256,328 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.66cph!
Web player now uses new proxy address.
Updated to latest version of Editor Only for unit_so test scene and the template scene.
Fixed server compile issue
Merging lock code into the main branch
For test purposes, give everyone a lock_code on spawn (until we have batteries spawning)
Added sounds for code lock
Fixed hearing animal sounds from 200 miles away
Made player footsteps quieter
Added a player manager that the server uses to spawn players and look after them when they've been spawned.
Tinkering with a shader for the river.
Placeholder art for locks
[ultimate_soldier] added another civilian sprite
* Improved preset saving. (Force lowercase, add number prefix)
* Converted old file names to new file names for default presets
Scene2Prefabs can now set their own target names
Made KeyCodeEntry UI a scene2prefab
[ultimate_soldier] changed starting loadout
[ultimate_soldier] added Loadout and IntermissionStage
[ultimate_soldier] single room levels no longer crash
scene GUID keeps bugging me that it has changed
[ultimate_soldier] refactoring, swat team persists across stages
added a 2 handed eating animation for when the player is eating a huge chewy old piece of meat (something you'd find at the Olive Garden restaurants)
Codelock - temprary debug info into local chat
Codelock - temprry flashing light when armed
Fixed a few minor issues with render.SetLocalModelLights and added MATERIAL_LIGHT_ enums
added tools>update>phrases
Updated phrases
Filled in server -> client RPCs
Loaded entities now retain their UIDs
Cleaned entity slot code
Entity slots are now saved properly
CodeLock opens numpad if not previously opened
Simplified network UID distribution (to the extreme)
This should hopefully make poor Jenkins happy?
Time of Day update to 2.3.1 prerelease 4
- Fixed another exploit related to downloading restricted files from the server
- Fixed plugin_load not loading plugins if no file extension is given
- Fixed not being able to change the render cull mode on entities bonemerged to viewmodels
made some improvements to some of the 3rd person torch lit animations (so it looks bettter when used with the oil lantern).
tweaked the 3rd person medical syringe animations
tweaked the 3rd person melee hatchet animations (looks a bit smoother and is directed towards teh center)
- Fixed some issues with Units not getting inited properly
- Tweaked Deer settings assets and prefabs
- Adding a river to the island_large1 map
Added gesture anims to mechanim, created cold & chicken parameters
Exported new player gesture anims ( 'you chicken? ' & 'I'm freezing here") & set up clips
Shit day but worked out how to do Bolt networking!
Updated player gesture source