256,344 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.66cph!
This should hopefully make poor Jenkins happy?
Time of Day update to 2.3.1 prerelease 4
- Fixed another exploit related to downloading restricted files from the server
- Fixed plugin_load not loading plugins if no file extension is given
- Fixed not being able to change the render cull mode on entities bonemerged to viewmodels
made some improvements to some of the 3rd person torch lit animations (so it looks bettter when used with the oil lantern).
tweaked the 3rd person medical syringe animations
tweaked the 3rd person melee hatchet animations (looks a bit smoother and is directed towards teh center)
- Fixed some issues with Units not getting inited properly
- Tweaked Deer settings assets and prefabs
- Adding a river to the island_large1 map
Added gesture anims to mechanim, created cold & chicken parameters
Exported new player gesture anims ( 'you chicken? ' & 'I'm freezing here") & set up clips
Shit day but worked out how to do Bolt networking!
Updated player gesture source
Code entry dialog
RPC arguments
CodeLock menus
Added a tiny randomized scale to resources
Made forest 6 reach a bit inside the snow biome
Added LayoutMapRes parameter to TerrainGenerator
Added Upsample2D method to ImageProcessing
Cleaned up ImageProcessing
Fixed blueprints sometimes not loading in editor
Cleaned up protobuffer files
Removed a bunch of debug output
KeyLock/CodeLock save their codes properly
Toggle lock based on locked/unlocked
Door open/close working
Cleaned up building prefab names
Removed deployed_door item (now redundant)
BaseEntity flags are now networked properly
Key crafting, locking, unlocking
Fixed battery being craftable
Fixed some errors not logging
Touching MenuBackground + music
Finished functional web player that can download and run game packages.
building_basic_all source
[ultimate_soldier] added a bomb on each level for time pressure
added 3rd person eating animation
set up the prefab for the lantern_wm; unfortunately, i couldnt get it to use hinge physics.
Handle BaseEntity RPC
Add RPC names to GameManifest
[ultimate_soldier] player & swat start in the entranceway
Done some more on the inventory stuff. Going to start on the networking stuff so that this can be synced ASAP!
Rocks, Deer, Bear, Human, Worldmachine source updates
- Re exported Human anims to fix some masking issues
- Added Deer settings and related prefabs
New branch for item system unfuck