258,000 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.68cph!
Fixed some outdated files and updated ignore list
Added socket mods
Added socket mod - SphereCheck
Added Guides layer (for ghosts/deployment guides)
Foundation component now can't be placed in collision
Merged changes from main branch
Added Terrain socket
Added Terrain layer (especially for terrain!)
Masively refactored the way constructions use sockets
Builder module now uses a declared building component
Debug: GiveDefaultItems puts shit on your beltbar for easier debugging
Added foundation plan
Fixed orphaned server query callback causing NRE's
Fixed query NRE errors when steam isn't present
Append error to stop of stack trace, so it shows properly in sentry
Fixed PP context panels not opening.
Added model sources for chairs.
Update CS:S model compiling scripts, so they only show errors/warnings.
Some source files for pickaxe and torcNh?ng d?a tr? di h?c 8 ngày m?t tu?n
commiting player animations for when the player is jogging diagonally