userTony Fergusoncancel

127 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!

6 Months Ago
More protection around BlockPlacer. Added a better Inventory.HasItem method that doesn't have us making a new inventory item instance every time
6 Months Ago
this'll probably still happen, so putting IsValid here
6 Months Ago
Adjust cubemap fog
6 Months Ago
Adjust bothy frequency
6 Months Ago
Introduce a few metal nodes to the worldgen
6 Months Ago
Fixed alignment for node_rock, it was spawning inside the world 90% of the time
6 Months Ago
Reduced duck detection height a lot
6 Months Ago
Redo bothy feature, spawn a prefab with a flattening area
6 Months Ago
Add farmhouse_02 feature
6 Months Ago
Update .sbproj
6 Months Ago
Crafted items will try to go to the hotbar first, and then try to craft into the overflow container
6 Months Ago
Adjust imported drone vmdl, fixed drone size/orientation
6 Months Ago
Fixed text size in settings, worlds page
6 Months Ago
Add custom cursor
6 Months Ago
Validate against a null biome?
6 Months Ago
Update MaxPlayers
6 Months Ago
Fix somehow having multiple players for one connection
6 Months Ago
Disconnect from server when quitting to main menu
6 Months Ago
Shrink the world back down again, remote clients are choking hard, so let's do networking properly first before doing this, version++
6 Months Ago
Fixed first spawn error
6 Months Ago
Spawn a camera in procgen so the player will acquire it on spawn, lets us see our desired post-processing in editor scene view
6 Months Ago
Sword can't gather wood
6 Months Ago
Adjusted world bloom
6 Months Ago
6 Months Ago
Up the world size as a test
6 Months Ago
Show outdated worlds with a red background
6 Months Ago
Make world save fetch/load more concise, TryLoadFromSelectedFile can fail if world is outdated
6 Months Ago
Fixed world save id being wrong when loading a world Player position persistence
6 Months Ago
Add 0% state for all trees
6 Months Ago
Clear WorldPersistence.FileToLoad when exiting play mode in the Editor, fixes Terrain not showing up
6 Months Ago
Fixed nametag styles import, increased water plane size
6 Months Ago
Fixed reported NRE in MeleeWeapon
6 Months Ago
Add hc2_drawhud
6 Months Ago
Use Swing HoldType for Sword... for now
6 Months Ago
Ignore debris tag in player collision
6 Months Ago
Hijack loading screen to show when we're loading world state
6 Months Ago
Possible NRE fix, show teammate's XP / level instead of local
6 Months Ago
Add TeamVitals, to show other players in the game
6 Months Ago
Fixed text size on inventory slots
6 Months Ago
Fixed text size on WorldsPage
6 Months Ago
Update stats page a bit
6 Months Ago
Some more cleaning
6 Months Ago
Fixed TextEntry weirdnes
6 Months Ago
Trying to simplify a bunch of our UI, there's a lot of mess
6 Months Ago
Update .sbproj
6 Months Ago
Would be good if I hooked this up
6 Months Ago
Show world name if trying to save an existing world
6 Months Ago
Add return buttons
6 Months Ago
Save new world properly
6 Months Ago
For now make spawnpoints a feature