userTony Fergusoncancel

127 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!

34 Days Ago
Fixed not being able to drop items [whoops]
34 Days Ago
Change path of loading a world, so it should only load once for host and remote client
34 Days Ago
Update inventory UI style Crafting menu style improvements
34 Days Ago
Clean this up a bit
34 Days Ago
Send chunk info from host to clients when they join (this is pretty shit), commented out because it's crashing?
34 Days Ago
NetworkSpawn persistence-created prefabs
35 Days Ago
Set the current save id and name when loading it
35 Days Ago
Actually get the world ref in worldspage
35 Days Ago
WIP saving world from pause menu
35 Days Ago
Add some logging.
35 Days Ago
Hook in process of loading in your selected world
35 Days Ago
Add new worlds page to UI, list out saved worlds
35 Days Ago
Some prep for picking world save file to load in menu system
35 Days Ago
Add temporary workaround for not being able to access PrefabInstanceSource for already-broken prefabs
35 Days Ago
WIP world persistence
35 Days Ago
Refactor ProjectileWeapon so we can chuck out non-projectiles (like glowsticks later)
35 Days Ago
Fixed bob being fucked at incredibly high framerates
35 Days Ago
Replace with new rocks
35 Days Ago
Update procgen.scene skybox, fog (from jase)
35 Days Ago
Update .sbproj
35 Days Ago
Work on world
35 Days Ago
Update fog and sky
36 Days Ago
Prettier drag drop
36 Days Ago
Better slot styling again
36 Days Ago
Hook in effect prefab as well
36 Days Ago
Add sounds to fists, nerf damage a lot
36 Days Ago
Add metal node, metal fragment item
36 Days Ago
Remove the random item giver
36 Days Ago
Add fallback weapon (hands) that can resource gather and destroy blocks
36 Days Ago
Can drop items in inventory
36 Days Ago
Fix NRE if trying to drag empty slot
36 Days Ago
Bit more resiliance
36 Days Ago
Add dummy item for drag drop
36 Days Ago
Test move code
36 Days Ago
Inventory drag drop logic
36 Days Ago
Style the slots a little bit
36 Days Ago
WIP inventory item interaction
36 Days Ago
Expose VoxelRenderer.Size, just so we can play with the size in-editor Increase map size, replace water with a colored plane for now
36 Days Ago
Fixed resources
36 Days Ago
New playtest scene
36 Days Ago
Import HC1 water
36 Days Ago
Replace tree branch with tom's new model
36 Days Ago
Add depletion stages to rock node
36 Days Ago
Add rock node, rock item
36 Days Ago
Add item icon editor, tree node, tree branch item (pending model)
36 Days Ago
Spawn world item over network
36 Days Ago
recompile player mat
36 Days Ago
Better world placement for node-created items Removed ruby animgraph, use code to spin world items around
36 Days Ago
Make ruby opaque for now
36 Days Ago
Don't destroy the world item if we can't insert it into our inventory