userTony Fergusoncancel

9 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!

9 Months Ago
AI stops when they hit a certain distance from the player
9 Months Ago
AttackingState will try to shoot weapon items if AI has it Weapon items have an option for originating from its GameObject instead of the Camera
9 Months Ago
AI: Clean up chase state, prep attack state
9 Months Ago
AI: remove stimulus system, look for closest player and navigate to them
9 Months Ago
Footstep radius increased
9 Months Ago
Remove all my shitty HealthComponent/DamageInfo bullshit from gunfight, made AI move towards the player
9 Months Ago
Add a bunch of AI code from Opium Npcbase is an Agent Simple state machine for NPCs
9 Months Ago
Player.PlayerStats -> Actor.Stats, fixed player prefab to match
9 Months Ago
Start porting Actor stuff in prep for NPCs