248,703 Commits over 3,959 Days - 2.62cph!
Fixed obstacle gizmos ignoring collider offset
Enabled AI in standalone build (revert this commit if shit gets fucked up)
Reverted back due to issue with @media queries
Added @media breakpoints for UI zoom level, commented out UpdateZoom() in glue.js
Fixed chat input overlapping with status icons.
Tagged server-side player prefab as "Player" for AI to uniquely identify it
Fixed viewmodel going apeshit when looking up/down
Made grass patches interpolate the terrain normal to avoid blocky shading in some situations
Added placeholder icons for vitals effects. Re arranged vital effect icons and removed labels, removed blue from the CSS. Health bar turns green when poisoned.
▄▋▆ ▌▆ ▊▇▄▋▉▍▇ ▆▌▊▅▌▌▌▊▍▊ ▌█▍▌▆ ▉▄ ▉▋███▋ █▌█▆▅▉▉▅▉ ▍▉▌▄▆ ▌▋ ▌▆▍ ▇▇ ▍▋▌█-▇▌▍▅▌?
Changed AI parts to not be individual components but rather children properties of AIEntity
Made every AI part have an individual refresh frequency that can be fine-tuned
Added AI part ticking to BasicController and WolfController
Updated AI test scene
Updated wolf prefab
Adding sleeping flinch anim source files
finished the deer animations
Campfire provides heat
Campfire burns if too close
Added NetworkSleep to wolf
Re-implemented AILocomotion
Added refresh interval to AISense
Refactored danger / obstacle / target info
Refactored AISense, AIObstacle and AIBody
Added rigidbodies to NetworkSleep (sets isKinematic)
A few minor UI layout changes. Health bar hidden when health is at max.
Screen shake on take damage
Hatchet swing, screenshake on hit
Fixed NRE's with deployed foundation
Added Screen Shake systems
Screen shake to bolt rifle shoot
Added viewmodel sway (only on the bolt rifle atm)
Added separate layer for all AI
Fixed animal meshes being spawned way off relative to their parent transform
Disabling wolf physics stuff - it's killing the server (sorry for butchering your code andre)
Bonus: flying wolves
Made AI walk animation get set directly from velocity
Boltrifle/bow now have ironsights - which will get tweaked as time goes on
Don't import materials from meshes
Material impact FX progress backup
Added behaviour trees to AI
Updated anim template source file.
Added flinch anim source files
bow idle exported with correct prop position
Added inventory.give
Medkit, Bandage, Antiradpills all working
String pool - force to lowercase
String Pool skin part names
Increased protocol
Allow clothing to scale damage based on bones
SkinnedMeshCollider probably needs a rethink, it's now doing things that are outside of its realm imo
Players now start dead unless they have a sleeper
Sleeping bag button on death screen
Server sends re-spawn options on join/death
Deployed objects remember who they were deployed by
Deployed objects save who they were deployed by
Fixed item module TakeDamage not working
Fixed sleep screen wrongly taking priority over death screen
Increased protocol
Suicides are correctly logged as suicides
Refactoring in preparation of the move to Behave 2
Removed unused movement mask
Removed explicit stair handling from AI controller for performance reasons