257,433 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.67cph!
In player load, only set username if it's not null (for mods)
Improved water. WIP secondary water effects.
More Behaviour break fixes
Condition and trigger for UnitMovementSpeeds
Improved item pickup animation callbacks
- Flattened out the depth chance curve of rooms
Automated Linux DS Build #185
Automated Windows Build #185
Automated Linux Build #185
Automated Linux DS Build #184
- Fixed another bug with flashing health
Fixed inconsistent angle networking on Linux servers
Added DefaultUnderline font back to ChatScheme.res
Temporary fix for DNumberScratch not working properly on Linux
Automated Windows Build #184
updated all of the m4 viewmodel animations so they're scaled properly
Automated Linux DS Build #183
FOR FUCK SAKE player prefab with new part setup
FOR FUCK SAKE player part/model/rig/textures
Effect validation logs warnings, not errors
Automated Windows Build #183
Automated Linux Build #183
Fix buffer-overflow in surface.CreateFont
Fix Vector with 0 arguments resulting in an uninitialised vector
Fixed some data types not inheriting DataAsset
- Increased chance of spikey spawners and patchers
Fixed morale threat/morale sim not inflating fraction to %
Mavis - smash updates
Owl - smash body, stretch anims, updates to main smash
Mavis - smash updates ( inc making intro shorter)
Owl - smash body, stretch anims, updates to main smash
Roof conditional model improvements and fixes
tidied up test court water and made more like the swamp and lava water , removed many old meshes
re-exported test court elements, making look more like concept and removing old stuff
- Lowered the health of the spikey spawner
- Removed the debris chunks that look stuff you should collect from all the enemies
Fixed initial conditional model state
Fixed notification widget coroutine error spam
- Reduced last orders mission length to 4 rooms
- Added Spawner Spikeys that spawn a bunch of normal spikeys when killed
- Can now click middle mouse to collect weapon
- Launchers can be set to destroy themselves after completing a cycle
- Fix for healh bar not stopping flashing
- Added no ammo click noise when trying to fire a weapon with no ammo
- BaseEntity can now be set to spawn specific items
FOR FUCK SAKE playership controller, adding animation blend tree
!A animation clips
Updated building prefabs to the new conditional model system
Roof and foundation conditional model scripts
Neighbour socket type and entity link
Clear agent goals when added to a BehaviourGroup
Dungeons fence dressing pass