257,610 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.67cph!
Can throw melee weapons while running
- Mortar launchers can now be set to target a specific location other than the player or themselves.
- More arena test work
Moving combat related scripts around
Added CombatEffectTemplate, CombatEffectTemplateSettings
StatLinkerOperation tweak (added Divide operator back in because readability)
Automated Linux DS Build #159
Automated Windows Build #159
Automated Linux Build #159
Fixed VMatrix:SetScale() scaling the 2nd/3rd rows incorrectly
- Ripped out more unusued scripts/ui/folders/everything
smoothed out the animal animations. The bear isn't so herky/jerky when he's attacking players.
Automated Linux DS Build #158
Automated Windows Build #158
Automated Linux Build #158
Added net.WriteMatrix/net.ReadMatrix
net.WriteType support for VMatrix
Fixed net.ReadType for TYPE_NIL
FOR FUCK SAKE town scene with test stuff
!A test model
Automated Linux DS Build #157
Added Power operator to stat linkers, allowed for multiple value modifications per operation
Some WIP commented out drawers
Automated Linux Build #157
Automated Windows Build #157
Catch crash condition in CBaseAnimating::TestHitboxes
Fix buffer over-read in input library
Automated Linux DS Build #156
updated loottables to include new attachments
updated heli loot to drop new attachments
reduced costs of weapon attachments
lighttoggle defaults to F
Automated Windows Build #156
Automated Linux Build #156
Added support for ortho views in CalcView and cam.Start
Fixed collision bounds having no influence on nextbot navigation
- Time arena test/rough wip
- Enemy ability picker can now be forced to pick a specific ability
- Fixed mortar spikey layer issue
- Warning ring mesh generated by DangerMarker set to not cast/receive shadows
lasersight and flashlight baseline
Sentry NRE fix
Replaced rain particles
Removed rain falling on glass in front of eyes effect
repositioned the left arm on the m4 view model (it doesn't take up as much screenspace now)
Doors open/close 2x faster so sharrap
Sentry + ak worldmodel now uses new AK model
made the muzzleflash/shell ejection use World space coordinates.
fixed some code with prefabs that had the ParentToBone not parenting correctly.
checkin of latest so I dont break something and not have backup