243,729 Commits over 3,898 Days - 2.61cph!
- Expanded GameOptions to work as a Manager, currently holding game speed options used in PlayerTimeControls.
- Cleaned up the Globals heirarchy a bit, fixing some UI issues and making padding values for screens and modals more consistent
- Fixed the Quit modal not working
- Made sure we are using the correct "black" color value on transitions and overlays
- GameManager now skips Startup UI screen properly when playing in editor
- Added a DebugCamera prefab to startup scene (not functional yet)
- Overriding UIScreen.IsActive in MenuUI to ensure that the LoadGame button is updated correctly in accordance PersistanceManager.has_savegame_to_load;
- Updated GameSaveData for new types (GameOptions)
- Fixed potential issue with destroying WeatherVolume objects in WorldWeather
Greatly sped up Mavis racket anims, updated clips
Fixed BuildingTest save not loading
tweaked lighting in swamp court scene, added new temp texture and temp water, texturing raft
Fixed grade materials not being always being applied properly
Fixed compile error
Fixed player.IsSprinting not working for other players/server
Updated Mavis fbx with cigar
Added cigar functionality to Mavis rig
Fixed player.IsDucked not working for other players/server
Moved MixerSnapshotManager to client instead of Camera (so it works when not in game)
Can remove sleeping bags from death screen
Updated metas, mavis and racket controllers
- Area 1-2 changes and replaced camera with the new common camera prefab
Possible fix NRE in DoClientConnected
Added water level awareness to screen-space water; fix issue #123
Speedtree buildserver crashes (!)
Handle missing map properly on client
Handle maps without terrain properly
Fixed out of order errors
fixed the missing normal map on the viewmodel arms.
First pass at wolf sounds
Implemented Tom's 3 new head meshes
Added map to build settings :x
Spawnhandler doesn't require TerrainGenerator (init'd in Bootstrap)
Components on TerrainMeta adds more components that are probably required
Added non procedural test map (CraggyIsland) (this isn't the one petur is working on, it's a small dev test map)
FOR FUCK SAKE camera prefab : fix crazy flickering glow/fog/background clipping
Horse ragdoll
Stop ragdolls kneeling up on spawn
-Player no longer blocks PlayerComponent exection if GameManager.IsPaused == true (allows for individual components to remain functional while the game is paused, thus you can pause with P but still move the camera)
Loading screen music facility
Fixed tree placeholders
Changed how snapshots are sent (for more reliable loading order)
- Renamed Scenes/Islands to Scenes/Game
- Moved startup_scene to Scenes/ root
- Baked a new navmesh for island-0001
- Stopped SceneSaveHook adding Scenes/Game/template_scene to the game_scenes.txt list
- Updated SceneCreationWizard to match new file structure
- Adding some debug for GameManager Pause and Resume methods
Fixed changing water mesh parent during OnEnable
Removed water debug messages
Added Mavis ready animation
Updated Mavis racket material
bean can grenade fbx + lods + prefabs + textures + materials