256,250 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.66cph!
FindAndReplace tool
DuplicateWithReferences tool
BuildingView skin handling tweaks
Started hooking looting back up.
Fixed everything being broken
- Added custom editor for ItemSpawner, with EXPLOSIONS
- Human pickup and gather anims
Fixing dull TOD settings from my last commit
Sped up gamemanifest generation
Made Tools/Update/Prefabs redundant
Fixed server compile error
Fixed potential speedtree shader transmission bug; encountered when porting to Before, because unity
Fixed ConvarWater error in Hapis lake
Moved Amplify Motion before Tint shift (sampling issues)
Moved SMAA to after all the edge sensitive blur operations
Increased Amplify Motion quality steps to 2 (still cheap)
Improved motion blur post-process quality a bit (added depth threshold param); added to the changes above, looks much better imo
Changed TerrainBlendExtension from OnEnable to Start (I'll address this properly later, ignore it for now Diogo)
Added entity.debug_lookat (toggles debug mode for the entity an admin is looking at)
Made island-0001 the test scene for the new features
First version of terrain painting, water mapping, spawn handling, grass spawning and decor fiddling
Added custom speedtree shaders Before/SpeedTree* (SM3 only); fixed weird bug in the process
Nuked BRDF file and merged into BeforePBSLighting; Replaced StandardWorld light model with a more flexible StandardBefore
Edited custom deferred shader; a few tweaks all around
Fixed all Treefab(!) layers
- Converted Redwood texture assets to neutral grey so they can be colored
- Added Island0003 and covered it in redwoods
Igor & Mavis maya anim files
Added Igor & Mavis character selected anims
Testing RPC / commands in TennisPlayerScript
added swamp_court_eyes to swamp court, tweaked character shader to be a bit more emissive, tweaked raft texture, removed psd
Added decent smooth transform sync to network entites
Picked food condition set according to how ripe
Eaten food item effects scale to condition
Eaten Pumpkin gives seeds
Seed plant effect
Plant harvest effect
HeldEntities can demand a crosshair
-added influence thread manager under globals in startup_scene
Dealing with scene objects. There's probably bugs here though.
Fixed not shadow culling MeshRenderers properly in SkinMultiMesh
Fixed server compile errors
-better threading/threadsafetying I think.
tweaked net shader to not get fogged (might need to revert this)
Tweaked lighting and materials on swamp court
- Enemy chatter fix for non aware enemies
Added character blend colour from court controller
RustEditor remembers tabs
Avoid rebuilding player models when nothing has actually changed (perf)
SkinnedMeshCollider can work with a regular MeshRenderer
Can define an attachment bone in wearable (for unskinned clothing items)
Basic player belt UI added.
Nuked unused AtmosphericBlend script that doesn't even work :O
Networked inventory updates now seem consistant.
Updated to latest Amplify Color and Motion
Disabled AM auto-register objs in Player Camera
Added Transform.FindChildren (find immediate children by name)
Containers and items sync correctly but destroys are not getting synced.
Added all the splat types to TestLevel
Environment option in RustEditor
Added cullmode option to standard shader