256,444 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.66cph!
Tweaked ocean shader and material further; custom lighting path for RUST_STD_WATER, avoiding indirect lighting and reflections
Added edit-mode placeholder water material; updated water prefab
Added quality modes affecting mesh and ocean shader lods
Final tweaks in terrain shader water interaction before merging
changed FOV on camera select cam
Updated character select prefabs
RPC + networking quality hacks.
ItemComponetSettings creation first pass
Updated anim controller - Igor / LionEL
Targets build error fixed on Xbox
Added new platforms to Court Shader
pistol and all the files!
addded work files to deuce art
tweaked bottle anims and ribcage ropes. added water drip anims, added tin cans, tweaked lighting
Fixed move back to catcher
entity pie menu ordered properly
drinking direct from catcher
- Added noob-simple tutorial text panel to Area0
- Restructured Area0 and Area1_1 hierachy to support level swapping again
- ChangeLevel can now toggle specific objects
Water Catcher loot panel wip
- Area0 boss now drops a specific loot item
- Reworked Area0 to be more open and noob friendly
- Mission items for Area0
Updated building block prefabs to use draw call batching
Added AssetPool
Improved draw call batching
Added Lion-El run anims & clips
Re-exported Lion-El anims & character with updated rig
updated Lion-El anims & rig
- Item Refactor
- ItemSettings, Item and ItemView no longer abstract
- Added ItemComponent
- Resource renamed to CraftingMaterial
- Containers renamed back to Resource (TODO : Add generic Container that Resource and others will derive from)
- Resource, CraftingMaterial, Consumable and Equipment all derive from ItemComponent
- Added Editor tabs for different ItemComponents
* Possibly fixed a physics crash
* Fixed glass PHX panels igniting when shot
* Fixed a PHX material (zc_tube.vmt) having bad symbols
* Fixed models/noesis/donut.mdl erroring to console when spawned
Fix ZoneEditor not persisting the correct Biome enum
Selected item HUD cleanups
updating Lion-El run maya files
added water ripples to swamp scene, tweaked anim play speed
Updated barricade.wood to use the generic texture atlas
gibs for mining quarry @helk
Also adding a missing texture for oiljack
Arid Biome + Palm FloraGroup. ZoneSeasons editor update tweak (fixed biome editing preview)
Updated quarry bucket collision
Added Oiljack gibs
Removing Colliders from Zone in all scenes
added yesterday's changes to unity. (lanterns, bottle, water)
Missing parentheses.. Doh
First pass at bullet flybys
- Added AddToStockpile Action
- Added DepositItem Action
- Added ConsumableView, ContainerView
- Added Placeholder Sticks and Wood Views
- Added Constructable SO
- Cleanup/Fixes
Added selection history editor window
Unified itemicon's smaller icon
Show contents on vessel item icons
Building construction requirements groundwork
ItemDef - maximum draggable amount