256,791 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.66cph!
Fixed river shader going over interpolator limit
Touched ocean and river shaders.
Updated ocean mesh with more border rings, ring spacing modifications for higher distant fog accuracy
Added support for global fog in water and rivers for more seamless integration
Automated Windows Build #137
- Assigned weapon models to the current weapon defnitions
Automated Linux DS Build #136
Automated Windows Build #136
Fixed a possible crash issue caused by global NW2Vars
Entity:GetNW2VarTable now returns the type associated with each value as well
Added bounds checking to render.GetScreenEffectTexture
Scripted NPCs and Nextbots now support the following clientside hooks: Initialize, Think, Draw and DrawTranslucent
- Loose cannon now has 1-2 damage range
- Added a new weapon, Loose Cannon. Assault blaster weapon with burst spread fire.
- Weapon definitions now has access to launcher offset values
more rigging work, backup before I possibly break everything
- Merged all the item/equipment changes back to main
Automated Windows Build #135
Automated Windows Build #134
Automated Linux Build #134
I forgot to enable the previous patch. Here we go again!
Automated Linux DS Build #133
Automated Linux Build #133
Automated Windows Build #133
Proper alpha blending for Awesomium panels.
merge from main/sound-initial-implementation
Add .DS_Store and ableton's .asd files to ignore.conf
Initial sound implementation. Generic footsteps. Generic racket sounds. Ball sounds. First pass at lava court ambience.
Added terrain specular gloss control per-splat (requested by Petur)
Updated shaders to 5.3.1; added normal encoding aware deferred reflection shader override
Merged in speedtree shader fixes from Rust
Merged in water2 updates from Rust (wip; global fog support pending)
Added initial fog support for transparent surfaces (shader mods later)
Changed sky dome probe reflection culling mask on TOD profiles to sky-only (was breaking water refls)
Automated Windows Build #132
Automated Windows Build #131
Automated Linux DS Build #131
Automated Linux Build #131
That wasn't very cross platform of me.
Automated Windows Build #130
Added command line option to cause BAssert to dump (Windows only)
I have faith in you, Linux DS
- Can now set an effect prefab per weapon definition to be used as a muzzle/firing flash
Automated Linux DS Build #129
- Weapon definitions now have link to projectile prefab and launchers initialised from a weapon use it instead of projectile name.
Automated Windows Build #129
Automated Linux Build #129
Fixed GMPublish Linux link order
Added loading bar text when waiting for Steam auth
- Equipment now uses scriptable objects
- Reworked equipment loading/saving and simplified everything
Fixed options visibility issue
Added "sort by decision weight" button to GoalSettingsEditor, which does that
UnitCanFindEntityCondition will create a new ItemDesire when it can't find the requested item (provided Id filter is present)
Build Goals re-organisation
ItemDesire files
- Deleted all the old character UI code + files
- More item work