223,749 Commits over 3,684 Days - 2.53cph!

20 Minutes Ago
Patched issue where heli could go and orbit a random zone far away for no reason
32 Minutes Ago
April 18th - Skins and scene changes
54 Minutes Ago
58 Minutes Ago
Tesla Coils and Igniters no longer take damage when picked up
1 Hour Ago
Customise menu progress
1 Hour Ago
Merged doorcontroller_mergefix into main
1 Hour Ago
Merge from favorites_fixes
1 Hour Ago
Re-applied stone and wood gates changes
1 Hour Ago
compile fix
2 Hours Ago
merge from electricity_power_fixes/2/doorcontroller - this is merge hell, Flavien to reapply some changes post merge
2 Hours Ago
Use Json.Serialize/Deserialize for BaseFileSystem.WriteJson/ReadJson, instead of different serializer options which didn't support our custom converters
2 Hours Ago
Fix storage adapters not able to be picked up when holding hammer
2 Hours Ago
Way less liberal with the no go zone nearest edge calculation
2 Hours Ago
Wip unicycle customiser
3 Hours Ago
Zone danger is now calculated with a concrete potential damage amount rather than the previous fixed amount for weakspot damage
3 Hours Ago
Fixed case where the player might not have a weapon Create PlayerBody component, move weapon to hold bone when it's set to current
3 Hours Ago
Centre default window positions to the screen, or main editor window where it's present
3 Hours Ago
merge from patrol_heli_floor_clip
3 Hours Ago
▋▉█▌▋ ▇▉▉▅ ▆▄▌▇▆▄▇▊▅▆_▄▄_▌▄▆▋▄▇▅▌_▄▊▆▉▉▄▆▋█_▇▊▄
3 Hours Ago
▆▆▋▊▇ █▅▄▍ ▌▆▄▊▋_▇▋▆▉_▆▊▌▊▌▌▊█
3 Hours Ago
merge from RF_craftingcosts
3 Hours Ago
Reduced no go zone size Ensure all targets in zones are looked at before choosing the best one (should ensure heli definetly targets the worst offenders)
3 Hours Ago
Squashed commit of initial standalone exe and wizard Squashed commit of full exe implementation Wizard cleanup, shares wizard code between publish/standalone Rebase fixes
3 Hours Ago
Organized some prefabs/resources
4 Hours Ago
Increase RF frequency range from 4 to 6 digits
4 Hours Ago
Swapped heli death detection to an overlap sphere centered on its transform
4 Hours Ago
Updated RF items crafting costs: RF Broadcaster: Metal Fragments 100 -> 150 Tech Trash 1 -> 0 RF Receiver: Metal Fragments 100 -> 150 Tech Trash 1 - 0 RF Transmitter: HQM 5 → Metal Fragments 100 Tech Trash 1 → 0 RF Pager: Metal Fragments 50 → 100 Tech Trash 1 → 0
4 Hours Ago
Speedo ui
4 Hours Ago
Merge monument crash
4 Hours Ago
Merge main
4 Hours Ago
Added console command to spawn vendor near road Wheel colliders rotated Collision detection moved to continuous
4 Hours Ago
Fixed animator hasAmmo param not getting populated
5 Hours Ago
Cherry picking various changes from client_server_fields (fixes various serialization layout compile errors)
5 Hours Ago
Merge from gate_serialisation_fix
5 Hours Ago
Reset and restart keys
5 Hours Ago
Stomp gates.external.high.stone and gates.external.high.wood with the versions from 96185 and manually apply the change from 96208
5 Hours Ago
Compile fix
5 Hours Ago
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5 Hours Ago
player update. edited 3p ak47 anims
5 Hours Ago
Forgot to remove a codelock in the fence gate prefab...
5 Hours Ago
Added an exception for garage doors IO wire parenting
6 Hours Ago
packages-lock merge fix
6 Hours Ago
Code cleanup, pairing & loading fixes
6 Hours Ago
Added door controller sockets to all door and gate prefabs, also flagging colliders as potential IO wire parents
6 Hours Ago
Edge ring select, add shortcuts for ring select and connect (G and V) https://files.facepunch.com/layla/1b2311b1/sbox-dev_cdYFJiesYI.mp4
6 Hours Ago
Some cleanup
6 Hours Ago
Example SVG
6 Hours Ago
Added PolygonModelRenderer to help test
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Can set chase ability based on weapon range. Chase state fix for when no move point found.