259,040 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.69cph!

9 Years Ago
- Rooms now drop 0-1 weapons across containers - Removed the 10% chance of dropping ammo for a weapon type you're not carrying - Changes to loose cannon and cocktail launcher
9 Years Ago
- Containers can now be exploded by flying into them
9 Years Ago
- Added placeholder ammo type icons to ammo UI
9 Years Ago
Changed tag on atmos 6
9 Years Ago
Atlas stuff. Improved some meats.
9 Years Ago
Fixed barricades culling too early
9 Years Ago
- The top ammo UI slot is now always the current weapon
9 Years Ago
Fixed ancient bug in planner that could incorrectly allow placement of objects at max distance
9 Years Ago
Moved weapons into item atlas. (Fresnel is a bit weird atm in some lighting conditions.) FX tweakery. Weapons to greybox
9 Years Ago
Merge from main
9 Years Ago
Tile merge
9 Years Ago
Way better melee rock impacts
9 Years Ago
Shared item atlas files.
9 Years Ago
scene file
9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
Pick new attack every loop of attack execution coroutine
9 Years Ago
Fixed trail renderers destroying item views
9 Years Ago
- Timer doesn't kill you
9 Years Ago
Fixed skin shading regression on OSX/glcore
9 Years Ago
min 5 damage from codelock failure
9 Years Ago
Changed editor.
9 Years Ago
- Can now specify colour of combat text - Added combat text for a few more events
9 Years Ago
More projectile stuff
9 Years Ago
code lock shock final pass
9 Years Ago
Added "ent who" admin command - for seeing who created the entity
9 Years Ago
Reverted some bad merges
9 Years Ago
Fixed separable blur shader error
9 Years Ago
merge into main
9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
More projectile tweaks
9 Years Ago
dead/alive server checks
9 Years Ago
merge from main
9 Years Ago
electrical shock code for code locks, no more bruteforce
9 Years Ago
Edited all atmospheric pieces, removed 1 & 7
9 Years Ago
Workshop download diagnosis code
9 Years Ago
Automated Linux DS Build #196
9 Years Ago
Projectile attack uses animation callback, ddded "AttackFire" events to human bow and throw anims
9 Years Ago
Added command "clear" (clears console) Added command "copy" (copies console content to clipboard)
9 Years Ago
Automated Windows Build #196
9 Years Ago
Automated OSX Build #196
9 Years Ago
Automated Linux Build #196
9 Years Ago
Virtual directory for mounted Workshop addons, lets us control the mount order Moved CreateClientConVar implementation to Lua UserInfo ConVars which are their default value now get networked to the server GMA files that a server makes you mount now get unmounted on disconnect
9 Years Ago
Fixed some RPC exploits
9 Years Ago
Action.AttackUnit now handles combat ability choice and Unit movement internally Projectile bullshit Some item pickup/entity physics fixes
9 Years Ago
Builder using 5.3.2p3
9 Years Ago
▌▉▋ ▅▄▋▄▅▌
9 Years Ago
Tweaked a number of important textures to use trilinear filtering (coz it's 2016) and anisotropic
9 Years Ago
Desire tweaks
9 Years Ago
Building block prefab updates
9 Years Ago
Conditional models run on both client and server