258,629 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.68cph!
Moved Zone 2 behind baseline and added shot power for backspin / top spin
bugfix for attachment bonuses
lasersight recoil reduction reduced to 15%
lasersight hip/aim conefire reduced to half when active
bugfixes for laser/beam appearing off for other users under some conditions
Removed BeholdR because compile errors
TribeStartArea now has a blocker collider in it, added the Blocker layer to SpawnHandler's default layer mask on creation
Improved destination flee algorithim in Unit+Morale
Tribe spawning now dependant on TribeSpawnArea prefab, you must place one in the zone for a tribe to spawn!
Added click/interaction sound to PlayerController, refactored a little
- Troubleshooter build with more bugfixes and gameplay improvements
- Quickly hacked in the new base booster effect so I can do a prototypes build
Cowboy - forehand dive + clips
Tech tree editor progress
Cowboy - forehand dive update, backhand dive WIP
Merge from pre-release (wall frame and wall frame blocks / dungeons LODs)
Socket offsets adjustments
Animation speed fix
Missing meta
Frames and Screenshots scene update
Floor ladder hatch models, LODs, COLs, Gibs, Prefab setup, icon
Prepare prefabs
LOD, batching and culling tweaks and fixes
▇▄▅▉▍▇▋ ▆▄▌▊▆▅▉▍▊ ▄█▆█▅▄-▇▊▄▉ ▆▌▌▅▍▍▇▆▌▇█ ▌▋▊▉▊ ▋▅▍▍▅
Ripped out the old conditional model system (refresh / process queues, building block extension)
Disabled ModelConditionTest_Sphere globally (deprecated)
Implemented conditional model system 2.0 baseline (managed by ConstructionSkin)
FOR FUCK SAKE playership prefab : removing Booster trail and particle
!A booster FX
!A trail sorting script
!A trail material
Updated shot powers / system
Made ball a touch bigger
- Enemies now have less chance of spawning cash (30%->10%)
- Factory rooms now spawn less barrels
- Increased large factory room spawn budget min from 10-20 to 15-20
- Rebuilt factory tileset prefabs
First stage rust/standard shader refactor
- Reduced spawn cost of booze burner from 4 to 3
- F2 level stats screen now shows used spawn budget and spawn budget range per room
- Current room is now yellow in F2 screen
BehaviourGroupSettingsEditor exposes all properties under Other Properties header
- Disabled level depth + world progress budget spawn bonus for now
- Massively increased all factory room spawn budgets
- Rebuilt factory tileset prefabs
- BaseMovement decel speed is now also boosted by speed modifiers
- Branch ends/dead ends now spawn a speed pickup which makes the player move 50% faster until they enter a room they've not been in yet
- Stuff can now subscribe to LevelPlayerTracker and be alerted when the player enters a new room for the first time
- Added the speed pickup + code
Beam/flashlight beam polish
Adjusted texture sizes for game textures. Mavis now uses consistent textures.
- Reduced length of branchiness? of Your Round level flow
- Started to move to level flows/archetypes per-mission, organised by mission folders
frame building blocks models adjustments (lower lips biting into floor for some)
Updated bug reporter to use new system
Humans now spawn with random clothes
Added GetItem with func filter to ItemManager
Tweaked morale simulation and threat calc in senses code
Improved wearable prefab creation in SpeciesSettingsEditor, now replaces existing without changing GUIDs so assets keep their refs
- Disabled level length multiplier (multiplier always set to 1)
- Increased fire rate of Screw You
- Change level flow for Last Orders mission. Now longer (was way too short) and the space area is linear instead of branched
Ripped the old blueprint system out