258,580 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.68cph!
building frame blocks icons
- Added current room name and level seed to F2 level stats menu
all building frame blocks working
Disabled DPL/DSE inheritance stuff in editor until it can be cleanly rewritten
Exposed ScoreForDM flag and considerations in Goal/GoalPlan node view GUIs
Fixed potential NRE in BehaviourChain.PickBehaviourTarget
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- Branched for gameobject tests
Added new stats : Bravery, Threat (attributes) and Morale (vital)
Added some basic Morale adjustment math to Unit+Senses, cleaned up some perception code
Added ThreatLevelConsideration which does similar calc to the new code in Senses, scoring target threat level against bravery stats
Added SetUnitSpeed Action and UnitMovementSpeeds enum, plus data in Species Physiology params for the different speeds
Added Exhausted Effects, triggers when Stamina hits 0
Added RemoveEffect Action
Added SpeciesDietTypes and data to species params plus the UnitConditionFilterSet
- Cappeds shield drop bonus chance to 20%
Moved Vital value initialization to Agent+Stats from StatCollection to ensure that all stat simulators can execute properly
Fixed bad rotation on player camera prefab (don't let BeholdR move the camera in sync with scene view!)_
Hunt goal DPL inheritence
BeholdR on player camera prefab
Vitals run their simulator after creation in StatCollection and set their current value to max.
- A succesfull roll to drop a Shield now only has 20% chance to actually drop if the player is at full shields. Instead, it has an 80% chance to increase the bonus chance of a shield dropping next time. Basically, less chance of dropping a shield at full shields, bonus chance builds up so there's a higher chance of getting a shield drop when you actually need one. - Reduced all enemy shield drop basic chances from 5% to 2%
Current linker usage ported to StatSimulators, used in Vital and Need, algorithims are stored in StatSimulators
Added core stats properties to Agent+Stats for caching
- Shields will no longer be collected if you're already at max shields
- BaseCollectable can now be overriden to decide if it should be collected and SuckIn script checks it
Added BeholdR (camera post in scene view cc frankieh)
Added some DSE content to the Self - Safety top level goal
Fixed some Effects and triggers with old/broken Stat refs
Fixed Needs starting at their max value, they now start at 0 as intended
Fixed all StatConsiderations not targetting the correct stats
Fixed StatCollection creating StatLinkers before finishing init
Fixed StatLinkers being created when no method name is set in data
Close options on pause toggle
StatCollectionSettingsEditor tweaks, now used for all children
Added Avoidance Attribute
CombatAlgorithms Damage formula implemented from Petur's spreadsheets~
Ported stats data from spreadsheets into stat collections
Removed CombatEffectTemplate and related bullshit that we don't need
Fix for multiple scene loads
FOR FUCK SAKE maya weapon source file
Automated Windows Build #169
tweaked 3rd person look up/down animations so they more closely match 1st person
Automated Linux DS Build #169
Automated Linux DS Build #168
Automated Windows Build #168
Automated Linux Build #168
Possible fix for post processing shaders not working properly on Linux/OSX
Automated Linux DS Build #167
Automated Windows Build #167
Automated Linux Build #167
- Added new build to Spaceshooter folder
- Deleted old spaceshooter folder
Touching these models that unity is compressing from 15kb to 1.5gb for some reason
- Weapons are now automatically made the active weapon when you buy them
- New saves default to having 1 nut to spend at the shop in town
- The mission reward screen in town now notifies you everytime you return to town with spare nuts
- Splash and title screens updated with BG and logo
Updated lashlight beam to use new beam shader features
Enabling low compression on all our meshes to see what happens