258,451 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.68cph!
RUST-474 - Missing concrete wall collisions
FOR FUCK SAKE cave wall model
Removed desire creation from CanFindBuildingMaterials (renamed)
Added RUST-462
Fixed RUST-471 (presumably)
Added materials and textures for Char11 Dreadora and skeletons. Frontend version as well.
Added CanFindAnyMaterialsForBuilding condition type, which checks whether a Unit can find (either/or) any materials on the Building's requirements list, or Resources that can provide any of those required items
Refactored Building quite a bit
road sidewalk blend mask polish
Switched materials in prefab
vertex normals alignement fix - road piece
asphalt and road_decal gloss map polish
road round layer material fix (wasn't deep enough)
Created FrontEnd materials for Owl and Cowboy. Un-hid Emission from shader. Changed shader for TENN's racket alpha.
Fixing some EntityCondition data
- Placeholder weapons switch ability icon
Added emission slot to character shader. Added emission textures to where needed (cowboy). Tweaked values across selectable characters.
Building 3 plan structure (data incoming)
- Made weapon switching an ability button (always unlocked) with a short cooldown
- Weapons now get dropped and become physics object when switching weapons
- Added new key/pad binds for weapon switching
-removed HasRequiredToolCondition
Load modded/community server list from single source, to avoid ddosing ourselves
-condition for hasRequiredTool (not yet implementing desires)
-some reordering of goals+plans for building
-decision log starts up with logging enabled
-readded filtering by state for buildings in entitycondition.
merge of roads and railroads progress from pre-release
Prefab scenes update
Roads dont cast shadows
Updated character prefabs
-camera keeps moving when orbiting while following
- Weapon models now get updated for both arms when switching weapon slots
added eclipse controller to temple scene and set up camera and materials on it
- Implemented weapon swapping (need to do the ability button/bind next)
- Changed the way weapon slots work, equipping the weapon from one slot equips that weapon in both arms
- Weapon definitions are now specific per arm
Automated Linux DS Build #143
Disabled projectile penetration on players (for better damage predictability, related to 12922)
Touched speedtree shaders; also using rust/standard brdf
Switched to analytic preintegrated skin/sss brdf approximation; added curvature; fixed subsurface normal not getting detail layer; tweaked materials
Moverd skin shader back into deferred path (had to remove fuzz)
Touched all shaders using rust/standard brdf
Simplified player colour skin lut
removed unused eclipse materials for temple court.
added global eclipse variable to all temple SF shaders
added dylans tornado and cowboy racket effects to plastic
SSR early out on occluded water pixel
Added amplify color blend and prefab
train wagon greybox UV update
Updating greybox meshes to have proper ground UVs
Automated Windows Build #143
Automated Linux Build #143