258,416 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.68cph!
Removed unused params in river shader
Fixed seams in foam noise texture
More foam options; parity
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▊▊▋ ▆▋▋▇ ▉▍▉▅ ▉▍▄▍▌▇▇ ▊▌▉▌▊▉▋▌ ▅▄▋▇ █▇▆
▅▆█ ▄▍▋▉ ▊▅▄█ ▆▊▇ ▌▉▆▅▋ ▉▍▉▋
Agen.AddDesire checks for existing desires (params id comparison)
sidewalk textures
final road models (still needs a LOD pass)
dungeons tweaks/updates for roads
DSE runs AddAgentDesires when exiting early due to Condtion eval failure
Fixed DecisionContext not reigstering Desire requests properly
Bulk action rename
Data save
Fixed Agents not ticking DM
Made Desire system generic, adding params classes for data exposure
Added a DesireFilter system used in DesireCondition
Exposed DecisionLayer and ConditionType data as readonly fields in Condition & Consideration Editors
Compile fixes (CLIENT / SERVER)
Automatic batch splitting when vertex count limit is reached
removed erroneous temple animation files
added new anims for eclipse mode
added particle effects, lights and flower for eclipse mode
added temple flower with eclipse anims
Updated water and river materials
- Reward UI now pops up in town after completing a mission and disappears when you accept a reward
Water specular and smoothness control (doesn't affect SSR)
Water specular and smoothness control (doesn't affect SSR)
MeshCull plays nice with batching
- Mission reward screen now rewards 500 cash plus another 500 if the cash reward is chosen (placeholder amounts)
Updated amplify motion to v1.7.1
Fixed water hot reloading errors
- More reward screen work. Ability info + comparissons.
Batched mesh readonly fix
Skip LODs that use multiple submeshes (for now)
Added dithering to water atmospheric scattering calcs; solves scattering mismatch closer to the horizon
Tweaked/fixed water border rings
Command line -connect test
Renamed CanFindOrCraftTool to CanFindRequiredTool condition, also removed the crafting items check
Print command line during bootstrap
Include mesh upload time in load balancing considerations
Scripts can declare that they handle batching (IBatchingHandler)
- Molotov cocktail set to ignore raycast layer
Added dithering to water atmospheric scattering calcs; solves scattering mismatch closer to the horizon
Automated Linux DS Build #141
Automated Linux Build #141
Automated Windows Build #141
WorkshopDL GetPublishedFileDetails no longer hangs main thread
Fixed addon extraction assert/leaked thread handles
- Fixed gamepad bug with firedirection after moving
- Cocktail Launcher now does zero impact damage, but has an increased splash damage rang, and upped splashed damage to 1-2
- RadiusBlast now takes a damage range isntead of single value
Retired LODBatch (use RendererBatch)
Generic deployable prefabs