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9 Years Ago
Fixed DecisionLog resetting when editor is paused
9 Years Ago
- Aiming laser now ends at cursor position and passes through everything when in M/K input mode - Input controllers now set the global control type in their init
9 Years Ago
Removing legacy water shaders, see if that works
9 Years Ago
Changed rust/terrain blend shader to preserve albedo detail in all quality levels; tweaked lower levels
9 Years Ago
updated scene
9 Years Ago
baked and textured temple stone props max
9 Years Ago
cleaned up and named this properly
9 Years Ago
Added OpenGLCore to Windows build settings (for asset bundles on the build server)
9 Years Ago
Fixed CreateActivityActionSettingsEditor not inheriting from base Added a lot of animation param actions back into Interaction ActionChains Made human gathering use 3 states in mechanim (in/loop/out) cc frankieh Fixed fruit bush missing collider/lod Renaming some Actions
9 Years Ago
More \nature\grass test files.
9 Years Ago
rebaked all lightmaps for new unity version. added stone ruins and blocks, added vines at back of court, textured trees merging files
9 Years Ago
Can melee attack + build while swimming
9 Years Ago
Error text vertex overflow (UnityUI sux)
9 Years Ago
Hid some harmless warnings "Trying to add (Layout Rebuilder for)"
9 Years Ago
textured final trees, added new hanging vines
9 Years Ago
Boilerplate for auto muting/kicking chat spammers
9 Years Ago
Added new runs, switched off import mats
9 Years Ago
Updated PP 3.0.3
9 Years Ago
Fixed broken speedtree normals on glcore ?_?; touched all rust/standard shaders just in case
9 Years Ago
NRE in SetDirtyAssets
9 Years Ago
World debug tab utils
9 Years Ago
latest data
9 Years Ago
improved deer added basic material colours to the bear
9 Years Ago
Initial commit - Body_00 and Head_00. Eyes etc to follow
9 Years Ago
Agent.DecisionLog clears when it reaches capcity (1000)
9 Years Ago
-AlwaysWin consideration -CanFindUbuiltBuilding Condition -yam -Fixed Self-Physio goal always winning
9 Years Ago
Units now get the MaxSpeed stat base value from SpeciesSettings on creation Added auto grass spawn refresh toggle to world debug tab Some stat/SO serialization tinkering
9 Years Ago
Cowboy - south & south east run anims +.meta
9 Years Ago
Cowboy - south & south east run anim source
9 Years Ago
Fixed issue with controller direction in frontend
9 Years Ago
Added a summary in BuildingStates to un-confuse the confused
9 Years Ago
Added water/swimming event music
9 Years Ago
5.3.1 updates Added cowboy anims to controller
9 Years Ago
Added EntityConditionFilterDrawer
9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
Sleeping bag exploit fixes
9 Years Ago
- Branched for more aiming/control work
9 Years Ago
Added some server UI
9 Years Ago
Trainyard - fixed missing pipe collisions and deadfall
9 Years Ago
deleting this so I dont re grab it when updating workspace
9 Years Ago
Core Explosion WIP.
9 Years Ago
Compile fix
9 Years Ago
Forgotten file
9 Years Ago
Agent.DecisionLogs uses FixedArray Metas, apparently
9 Years Ago
Char11 racket model, textures and ZTL.
9 Years Ago
Merge from procgen11.1 Network++ Save++
9 Years Ago
Splat adjustment of roads and rivers also use editor padding / fade parameters
9 Years Ago
-conditions and considerations made system serializable in templates, else you could not assign them to a goal.
9 Years Ago
Merge from main
9 Years Ago
Disabled foam underwater (camera depth based, won't match surface)