258,254 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.68cph!
Updated anim states
Added missing owl states
- Creeper enemy basic test
status command is dev/admin only
FOR FUCK SAKE wip alcohol pump
!A factory texture
Fixed entity send backlog when jumping between spectate targets too quickly
Bear has more health
Bear attack stronger
Wolf has more health
Wolf attack faster
On error or exception, show temporarily on screen
Fixed blueprint sorting bullshit
Uncraftable blueprints have more alpha
Fixed santas little helper skin not showing
Fixed turret loot panel not using prefab icons
Destroy the nametag properly
Added cowboy to anim viewer
Added dives to owl controller
Updated anim scene
Cowboy - backhand volley stand, body & stretch anims + metas
Cowboy - backhand volley stand, body & stretch anim source
Save edited prefabs to disk when building
Nametag performance tweaks
Tighter player model LOD'ing
Profiling & optimisation
BehaviourGroup cleanup, editor tweaks to support goals and fix DSE params issue
FOR FUCK SAKE player plasma projectile
FOR FUCK SAKE camera fog offset to match exponential fog
!A wip factory asset
Improved AssetsOfType
Player model performance optimizations
Added CombatEffectParamaters
Reorganised Stat script files as bit, split some nested classes out
CraftDesire tweaks
Improved Group.CanFindSmartObjects with optional required match count param
Dropped items/corpses falling through world at low steps
- Fixed bug with player weapons not correctly reload ticking when fire isn't held
- Feedback reporter now prefixes reports with the current contol method
- Ability bar button text now displays the correct input button/press text, depending on current input type.
- Feedback tool buttons now work with mouse, added prompt toggles.
- Added UI input prompt toggles to all town button/interactions
- Added UI script that will toggle specified UI elements based on current input method (mk/gamepad)
- Added it to Title screen button prompts
- Alcohol pump mission now set to show objective arrows after they've been discovered once
Automated Linux DS Build #107
Automated Windows Build #107
Automated Linux Build #107
Fixed the "steam id 0 fake players inflate server player count" exploit
Automated Linux DS Build #106
Automated Windows Build #106
Automated Linux Build #106
* Added mat_viewportupscale to blocked convar list
* Temporarily removed CRecipientFilter.RemovePAS