258,132 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.68cph!
FOR FUCK SAKE adding collision to asteroid block
FOR FUCK SAKE asteroid prefab, minimap display
eoka cost changes and ammo type changes
DefaultModelImporter makes sure we always search project wide for materials using the model's material name
created temple outer trees and exported. created temple outer trees diffuse map
added background trees to temple court. working up roots. created new background tree shader. tweaked grass outer shader to fade out properly. adjusted lighting
Don't batch wooden shutters (because they can move)
Spawn the building block skin immediately if stability is still pending
Deployer / Planner check AntiHack system before allowing placement
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Shader, asset and prefab warmup convars are client-only, saved
-log an error if more than 1 Assign/Difference ResultOperator is set up in a StatLinkerBasic.
Powerlines correctly prevent building
lowered top shelf collision a notch
Wiggling my way around some building exploits
Fixed Effect stackability idiocy
- Added EffectParamters, which is stored by EffectSettings and also stored by other data types, e.g. Consumable and Wearable ItemParameters
- EffectSettings are intended to be used ONLY in conjunction with Triggers
- Wearables now apply their Effect when Worn by a Unit
- Re-arranged the order of Operations in StatLinkerBasic
- Added ModifierOperators enum, used by StatLinkerOperation result modfication, should make for more readable data
- Nuked a shitload of Effects, mostly replaced with EffectParmaters where applicable
- EffectParameters.Id is broken, so effects stack infinitely, fix WIP
Subtracting shelves layer change (see RUST-283)
deer source file and moved animals folder structure to mirror the game tree. ie units\deer becomes units\animals\deer
when cancelling a craft, obey the stack laws
pie sounds are affected by volume controls
Fix RUST-283 Can't place floor above shelves.
Underwater FX mask is a GO
- Added stats screen to F2
- Level can now return list of active rooms
Dungeon terrain carving fixes
Added map key binding
Fixed rebinding keys not working
Don't allow key binds when NeedsKeyboard is enabled.. unless it's an F key
Snow tweaks.
Plankton material change.
UI server cull components
Added underwater mask via new "Target Alpha As Mask" toggle to "Particles/VertexLit Blended Custom" and "Particles/Water Drop"; alpha-masks particles based on render target's current alpha (e.g. underwater mask)
- LevelBuilder now just picks one outdoor room and spawns the planet in it at -3000
Fixed real player names showing in corpse loot when in streamer mode
Removed ` from default console binds
Fixed voice recording when typing v in chat/console
Fixed game input when in main menu/console/chat
Matched viewModel skin specular settings to other skin materials
Mouse wheel repeats
Disable mouse wheel buttons if cursor visible
Deleted old DSE assets, metas apparently
Moved terrain alpha-testing (for carving) to fragment shader for accuracy
Underwater shader now writes mask (0 above, 1 below) to render target alpha
Tweaked water quality handling
Unbinding water1 to free some resources (should be safe now) and switched to placeholder in editor mode
Added tools -> prepareprefabs, calls DoPrepare on every component in every prefab
Call DoPrepare pre bundling
Setting an asset bundle in OnValidate is causing editor lockup, so moved it to DoPrepare, which will probably improve editor perf too
Added EffectRecycle components to flies they need them to be included in the bundle