258,164 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.68cph!
Added input Reset To Defaults
Added mouse blocking canvas when binding a key
Fixed options starting on wrong screen
shotgun shell fires +2 projectiles
handmade shell projectile count doubled, damage halved
eoka spread increased ( less useless)
Basic collider generation. Pretty fast!
- DecisionPlan stored property in Goal/GoalPlan, not a field.
Fixed being able to open chat when it's disabled
Automated Windows Build #76
- GoalPlanVariant creates BehaviourChain
- Added GPV.OnCompleted event
- GPV.Add and GPV.Clear deferred methods for BehaviourChain
- BC no longer creates BehaviourPlans from settings in constructor
- Added abstract BehaviourPlanTypes property to BehaviourPlanSettings
Fixed insane plant growth in shallow lakes
Automated Linux Build #76
Fixed client rpc prediction cull not working (own weapons effects playing twice)
Use scaled time for client tick + lerp (timescale debugging weapons)
* Fixed yet another DDoS exploit
* Added ISteamUGC to IGet
* Moved some steamworks.* Lua functions to ISteamUGC
-InfluenceThreadManager is a proper ManagerSingleton now.
Triangle foundation exploit fix
Added lit particle test scene
Fixed per-pixel lit particles with rotation; hard limited to 2 lights
Don't split textures into different bundles (loadtime vs diskspace)
Got stuff working at runtime again.
merge into main
reload happens automatically when switching ammo types
if pressing and holding reload key with only one ammo type, reload will happen (more responsive)
fixed quarry hiding items
merge into main
reload happens automatically when switching ammo types
if pressing and holding reload key with only one ammo type, reload will happen (more responsive)
fixed quarry hiding items
- Laser link cooldown increasd to 25 seconds, duration decreased to 7 seconds
reload happens automatically when switching ammo types
if pressing and holding reload key with only one ammo type, reload will happen (more responsive)
baked out tree roots and created tree root textures
- Set Laser Link cooldown to 15 seconds
Include default key config on osx
added new trees and tree roots to temple court, added wip shader and tweaked lighting
-some more profiler hooks (tho they bring no joy)
-ThreadedAffectorData changed to use fixedarrays, be a class, and be reused in InfluenceMap
- Laser link now does % health every damage tick
- Added hit effect to laser link
AntiHack debuglevel is 2 in the editor
By default, allow admins to use their noclip cheat even on antihack userlevel 2
Foundation step exploit fix
water_treatment_plant sewer ladder path unblocked
fixed a few little gaps between pipelines
Roofs are more expensive and have less health
hopper collision fixes (no more trapped items)
fixed missing collision component on sewer bridges
- Changed my mind. Laser Link laser now deactivates when no LOS to player, resums when LOS back.
- Decreased Laser Link range from 1000 to 800
wood doorframe see-through exploit fix
- Seperated the laser from remote object for laser link
- Laser link remotes now stop at walls and laser performs LOS and stops at walls
- Laser link now does damage (currently instant death, needs DOT)
- Fixed TryWearItem calling the wrong thing
- Updated human view prefabs (should fix error spam)