258,108 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.68cph!
checked in new temple light cookies and added eclipse anim
added low temple roots zpr and light cookies
Changed roof sideways stability supports to female only
Automated Linux DS Build #64
Automated Linux Build #64
Automated Windows Build #64
Automated Linux DS Build #63
Automated Linux Build #63
Automated Windows Build #63
▄▆▉▆▋▌ ▌▉▋▇ ▉▄ ▄▅▅▅▄▆▉▄▋/▊▌█▇▊▍▉██▋█▍, ▍▅█ ▉▄ ▉▆▋▌▊▅▆▉▅, ▍▋▆▌▋▊▌▉██▅▌▄,▌▆▄▇▊▄▅▅▄ & ▊▉▄▋ ▆▆▌▄▊ ▅▌█▄▌
- Fixed a new bug with abilities not doing the correct amount of damage when firing a projectile
- Fixed boomerang not doing damage
Added modifier test script
- Boomerang cooldown set to 7 seconds
- Time slow shield cooldown set to 7 seconds
- Fixed bug with abilities starting on cooldown when first assigned
- Added a new Speed Boost ability, grants 50% speed/accel for 5 seconds, 15 sec cooldown.
- Movement modifiers are no longer capped at 100%
- Added a new ability category, Speed
- Time slow shield size increased and speed reduced
FOR FUCK SAKE rebuilt factory room prefab to fix weird room
New Fonts. Old Fonts. All Fonts. Fonts.
FOR FUCK SAKE all factory wall asset with back wall
Roofs offer sideways support for walls
Tree colliders now more accurate, instead of just looking like pills.
- Projectiles can now be set to allow zero velocity
- Timeslow shield changed: It will now move in the initial direction of the shoot stick if the player is firing or will remain stationary if the shoot stick is not being aimed
Adjusted high external wall and gate deploy volumes
- Ability scriptable objects now have link to the abilty prefab
- Ability SOs now launch/init abilities
- Removed more old stuff
Keep serverside sleeper collider enabled
Road Section prefab update.
creating zbrush trees for temple court
Changing and updating the way the building editor works.
Fixed building block sound cutting out on placement
Fixed issue that made constructions placed via the planner awake at world origin on the server
- More cleanup.
- Ability buttons now restart their cooldown when their ability is set/changed
- Ability UI buttons all now just use one button prefab, and set to disabled/blank when not in use
- AbilityList now loads all ability ScriptableObjects automatically from the folders at startup
- Ability UI buttons are now initialised from ability scriptable objects, including icon, button text, cooldown etc
▅▅█▍▍█▍ ▄▅▇█▅▊▆▄ ▍▇▄▆█▆ ▆▇▌▍▄ ▅▆▍▆▊▉ ▋▉ ▉▊▍█▅▉█
AmbienceManager uses IComparable implementation instead of delegate to sort emitters
AmbienceManager profiling
- Refactoring ability button/activation/UI stuff
- Deleteing old/unusued ability stuff
- Ability system reworking
▆▇▆▌▋▍▋▄ ▊▋ ▇▆▇▇▌█▄ █▇▄ ▌▆▄▆▇▊ ▊▋▄ █▅▊▇▊▍▌▆▅▌ ▌▉ █▇▋▊▌▋█ ▋▇ █▋▅▆
Fixed grounded building blocks (like foundations) not sending a stability refresh to connected building blocks on placement
Removed the SDF building LOD.
Added extra transitions
Igor Serve->Run
LionEL Hit -> Run
Serve -> Run
- Changed Factory1 defaults