258,105 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.68cph!
GOING HOME - Probably need to revert some of this. Something fucked up !!!!!
Fixed player reference change.
Resized updates box
Removed analytics when in editor
Vertex normal toggle on TerrainBlendExtension
Improved lob / smash gameplay
-units get ever so slightly warmer when moving around
Added audio.ambience convar (sorry, disabled by default because it spams memory allocations)
-same as before, but now for reals.
-fixed starting time of the year not being randomized as implied in World's Initialize
-renamed variable to be clearer
- Starting weapon hack fix for town weapon positions
- Removed the what's new welcome screen in town.
- Reduced branched factory length to 6 from 7
New character concept, Jace Logan. Added connection lines to Cathedral mock-up.
Don't open connection until after collider batching, stability init and save cache creation are done
- DunGen flows are now selected by the mission scriptable object definition
- Reorganized flow/archetypes folders
Don't try to send network updates while loading
No need to recheck self after updating the cached stability value (tiny optimization)
Stability warmup queue processing tweak
-yesterday's features... today!
Clear stability queue when launching with queuewarmup disabled
Added stability.queuewarmup convar
fixed the shadows on the muzzleflashes for all the guns.
- BehaviourChain makes sure that all created Behaviour instances hold a reference to the BehaviourChainData
- HarvestResource Action populates BCD with a list of succesfully harvested items
- HarvestResource should make sure harvesting timers don't continue to tick if End is called early
- Organised Actions folder a bit
Wall deletion and other tweaks.
- LevelBuilder now spawns lights from any used tileset in the level. One unique light per tileset. Lights spawn disabled for now.
- Asteroid tileset rebuild
- Prefab building tool now processes any lights with PrefabLink first, taking the last light as the light prefab to use for the whole tileset (should only be one directional light with a PrefabLink script in a tileset). It then updates the rest of the prefab links in the tile set scene and sets any Room prefabs with a link to the prefab for the light used.
- Rebuilt Factory prefabs
- Rebuilt Asteroid prefabs
- Added the light from the asteroid test scene to the asteroid tileset scene and made it a prefab link
- Added RoomType enum to Room
- Set factory rooms to Indoor and Asteroid room to Outdoor
- Rebuilt tileset prefabs
- Added RoomSpawner script to ice room and added a single spawn point so level building doesn't fail for testing
+1 lowgrade fuel per craft session
removed 5m buffer between tool cupboard placement