258,105 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.68cph!

9 Years Ago
fixed missing wood world model
9 Years Ago
m249 balance
9 Years Ago
ProjectVersion.txt (we're still on p2)
9 Years Ago
Load all ambient sounds in background, see if that works
9 Years Ago
small, medium, large fly swarms effects.
9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
Owl can now smash
9 Years Ago
Reapplying ambience2
9 Years Ago
Reapplying ambience2
9 Years Ago
WIP berry gathering via Goals
9 Years Ago
Initial cowboy rig WIP
9 Years Ago
pumpjacks removed (for now) jackolantern blueprints removed from library m249 actually uncraftable for real this time
9 Years Ago
Added template facial rig to art database
9 Years Ago
Level Select/Main Menu base textures.
9 Years Ago
Editor crap
9 Years Ago
-undone the last commit
9 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE factory prefab for doorway position/ added room component on asteroid tile
9 Years Ago
Subtracting ambience2 (asset warmup perf test)
9 Years Ago
Subtracting ambience2 (asset warmup perf test)
9 Years Ago
Added sad event music for very sad times
9 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE tile prefab, putting doorway at 0 in Y
9 Years Ago
More tweaks and assets
9 Years Ago
-seasons are now assets (seasonsettings) -zones have biomes, which have min-max temperatures, and seasons -seasons define day/night temperature, in respect to season's min/max with an animation curve -units' Temperature BaseValue constantly lerps towards ambient temperature
9 Years Ago
fire texture size nerf.
9 Years Ago
Created stairs object.
9 Years Ago
footstep splash effect fix (animals and players)
9 Years Ago
new train track pieces military tunnel prefab scene progress
9 Years Ago
added new temple_light_cookie images
9 Years Ago
Sky Dome cloud setting tweak.
9 Years Ago
added new temple_cookie textures
9 Years Ago
- Temp fix for cam background
9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
Addons can have dependancies, compile in dependancy order
9 Years Ago
New cloud layer RGBA map
9 Years Ago
Load balancer runs in LateUpdate such that actions from the same frame are processed immediately if possible
9 Years Ago
Stability check always attempts at least 10 times before timing out
9 Years Ago
Savegame loading status message formatting
9 Years Ago
- Entity wander now wanders more frequently :)
9 Years Ago
- EntityWander now rejects any target positions that aren't in it's Entity's parent room
9 Years Ago
- Fixed a height bug with EntityWander
9 Years Ago
Stability warmup performance test
9 Years Ago
Lots are now distributed much better.
9 Years Ago
Fixed clipping on bone knife throw
9 Years Ago
More formatting
9 Years Ago
Stability warmup messages formatting
9 Years Ago
- Basic enemy roaming when not aware of player
9 Years Ago
Can now add an offset for each shot to pair up pass position with hit position
9 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE aiming laser material to be more visible
9 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE missiles prefab, first pass fx
9 Years Ago
Fixed post build process Turn on the debug stuff again