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switched the test bootstrap scene to be the main one now.
Removed old bootstrap stuff. Project settings stuff and old scenes.
Network Level loading / bootstrap.
Created EditorSettings MenuItems
- Bosses are now only generated on the 3rd mission of an area, so there'll be a boss fight after every 2 normal missions, through all the areas.
- Added BOSS text to mission generation screen to show the third mission will be a boss fight
- 3rd and 5th missions of an area are now boss fights, rest are normal
- Reorganised mission scriptable object folder to split normal missions from boss missions. (still under seperate Area folders)
- Rebuilt prefabs
- Increased speed of spikey thing
- Added an OnDestroyEntityAnimation which can be used to trigger entity state changes/animations on a list of entities when the obejct gets destroyed
- Changed beertap room fight so wall turrets spawn after each tap is destroyed
- Object pooler just always returns a new object for now
- Updated prefabs
- Halved the health of beer taps
!A factory asset
FOR FUCK SAKE turret gloss
FOR FUCK SAKE turret prefab
Switched off debug replay mode
Added death anim to lionEL controller
- Increased player turn speed from 10 to 20
Added working tint const color to Particles/Refraction
Added Particles/Tint Refraction that extends Particles/Refraction with per-texel RGB tint
FindItem bug fixes, Unit item handling improvements (make sure we update carried items list when item is destroyed)
CraftableParameters.GetAllRequiredItemIds respects item requirement counts
break the chain if we dont find the right number of items in FindItem
FindItem should now fetch items it finds correctly...
Made FindItem super super super generic. Nuked a load of old item related actions
Added ActionChainCraft.CraftingData class
- moved time slow shield to left trigger while it's temp forced unlocked
- Added a help panel when returning to town for the first time after a mission, pointing out shop and next mission
Handing bootstrapping in different build modes.
- beertap wall turrets share a single, room filling spawner. Broke the prefabs on them so that the prefabs keep their own regular spawner.
- Added gates to beer tap room
- RoomSpawner now knows when a room has been cleared of it's spawned enemies
- Added RoomLockin script that shuts any doors in a room until the room is cleared
- Deleted my old placeholder gate
- Beertap rooms and RoomA are now lockin rooms (100% chance for now)
Set script execution orders for all bootstrap objects.
Don't log DSE debug unless Application.isEditor
FindItemGeneric will check carried items when finding using an ItemType
Crafting things, all the things
Reverted back to passing NullIntention for CraftItem when called in FindItemGeneric
Unit.Goto if FindItemGeneric is picking up an existing item