257,610 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.67cph!
Assign required_item_id in FindItemGeneric before scoring craftablity (when not looking for a tool)
Some FindItemGeneric cleanup
- Door work
- Changed corridor_gate state IDs and animation controller to remove delays between state changes
- WIP door/gate assingment to rooms and locking off entire rooms via connected doors
-CraftItem now works with or without CraftIntention
-ActionChainData can store an 'ItemToCraftId'
ItemManager.ScoreGenericPickupDSE accepts overrides for decision context weight and DSE score bonus
ItemManager now stores the generic pickup DSE and default pickup interaction refs for scoring lists of items conveniently
Added GenericPickupDSE field as default ref on ItemSettings
-tiger tiger crafting bright (more crafting WIP)
removed characters from scene
UnitManager loads assets on Awake
Zone will find EntitySpawners and call Spawn on init
Human anim/controller changes wip
- Removed the 4 turret turret from Area1 spawn table
- Increased aggro range of the spikers
Added EntitySpawner for hand placing spawns in scenes
removed asset db refresh call in BE load assets to see if it makes everything ok
Added ActionChain.Break method and OnChainBreak event
Remove commented out DSE con line from BeforeEditor+Assets
Fade out DSE editor in BehaviourPlanSettingsEditor when ScoreForDecisionMaking is false
Reset inputs in AI States
banner nmap meta changes
banners LODs, COls, Gibs, Mats
Allow weighted objects a minimum weight of 0.01f in the editor
Fixed MusicManager tag handling, should play a wider variety of music now
Removed HumanInfo, all handled in UnitInfo
Unit emote sounds should play less often
updated phrases
updated loot tables
turret has 12 ammo slots & proper loot panel
nerfed heli rockets explosive damage (less damage to buildings, same damage to players)
10% reduction in heli bullet damage