256,252 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.66cph!
Cleaning up main scene a bit
- Playership acceleration increased to 550 from 450.
- Playership max speed increases from 140 to 170
- Camera now lerps faster
Post-build deployment, GUID: f6b58181-8331-41ba-9a61-ec69b5289f72
Removed some debug remote logging that never happens
Added crystals to spawning
Tweaked crystal materials and prefab settings
added custom foundation collisions meshes for wood and twig
Unified tree mesh and decor modifiers
Cloud & cloud terrain shading
▇▍▅██▆ ▌▍▊▅▆ ▄▆▄ ▌▌▅▉▋ ▉▇▆▍▍▍▇▅▋▋
Added experimental cloud cover shadows
Cleaned up left overs from splat count reduction
Added biome based terrain tinting; disabled color texture tinting (temp)
added animals flinching when attacked
Post-build deployment, GUID: b85d7baa-5b5f-4ddf-a2ee-1bbc4b58c70e
fixed some minor bugs with the impact special f/x
Removing some debug from PlayerBuildingControls and cleaning up the placement stuff a bit
added code for flinching when player gets hit.
Updated hide poncho fit for compatibility
arrows no longer have a 100% retrieve rate
picking up items on the ground when you have a full inventory will no longer delete the item
small nerf to arrow damage
Post-build deployment, GUID: 48f7c82a-97aa-4767-82de-243d9a739099
Apparently Plastic didn't want to check in this jacket before. Okay.
Updated all shirts and jackets for compatibility (first pass)
Added Igor Anim source files & updated rig
Some missing files
Tweaking LOD distances of stairs
Adjusting foundation blocks test spheres for sidewalls
Texture readability improvements for metal and top tier
creating new foliage with more painterly style. modelled bushes, creating diffuse
Pie menu sorting
Prefab warmup
Replaced pause menu
Added new pause menu animations and controller
Added basic refraction shader
Setup crystal prefabs
Made spawn handler preserve any prefab rotation
Switched serve bar - now changes colour per player, uses new GUI
Removed old prefab
hands and feet prefabs + fbxs
Missing construction renderer ~
metal tier distance tweaks
merge from building_skins2 - All the lod stuff
merge from main and stuff
Post-build deployment, GUID: 4fb82453-2ac8-4cd9-ba89-b174f83ed5e7
Top Tier skin tier LODs and setup in prefabs
~~ Some distance tweaking
- Reworked the boost ability. Faster speed, less duration.
- Camera now lerps faster when the player is boosting
PrefabAttributes/breaking everything
Altered playerskin1 material to use new materials. Seems that by auto-default it selects skin number 2 rather than 1? Probs not a biggie.
Will be updating the rest of meshes now.
- Reduced backwards movement speed is now a togglable option on BaseMovement, and disabled by default (inlcuding the player again, now)
- Changed new playership model to be on the Player layer so effects are culled correctly