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Impact sound volume tweaks
Fix reverb falloff on gunshots not updating before the sound starts playing & optimize reverb/highpass falloff scripts
Backup before maybe ruining the terrain.
improved 3rd person walking with rifle.
tweaked idle animations for the rifle / torch / unarmed
new special fx for footsteps in water
Merge branch 'master' of arcade
Added some simple changes to the room browser to make it less confusing.
Tweaked DecorComponent seed handling
Tweaked cliffs
Improved randomness of SeedRandom.Sign
Added a `NetConfig` static class to communicate networking settings between scenes, fixed up screen reflection shader properties.
Movement no longer driven by animation. Player faces forwards and has slight acceleration.
added small rocks and under-court shadow to test_court
removed culling from wall blocks lods
twig skin square/triangle floors dirt acumulation
Changed rock material adjustments from Start to Awake
some material blend tweaks
wood skin square/triangle floors dirt acumulation
Made all per-object decor randomizations fully modular
bought new test_court floor and floor mechinism in to unity, added new materials
Removed the need to specify a server's public address - that wasn't the cause of the connection issue.
water footsteps stay on the surface of the water now
Trying to fix connecting to the Amazon hosted dedicated server by specifying its address to Lidgren.
stone skin vertex alpha fixes stairs/ half block
metal skin square/triangle floors dirt acumulation
Added `//:smoothing = <value>` option for fields in protobuf schema definitions, `SnapshotBuffer` smoothing solution seems to work well.
Improved player movement, players now collide with cabinets.
stone skin triangle floors dirt acumulation
armored skin square/triangle floors dirt acumulation
Fixed screen reflections.
Merge branch 'master' of arcade
Added categories to room browser
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missing if CLIENT for new sound stuff
merge from main/soundrefactor
Finish up sound system refactor
Tree mats updated for new shader
Removed that 9th splat
Added detail overlay control for specular and smoothness
Merge branch 'master' of arcade
Attempting to debug poor snapshot interpolation.
fixed bizzare bug where deployables on terrain would be removed if a building block was destroyed
urban pants are a little better
metal hatchet doesn't lose condition as fast
improved 3rd person animations for piackaxe
Room description text uses best fit to make better use of the space, allowing a max of 4 lines of text
Merge branch 'net-lidgren' of arcade
Started on room browser visuals