256,238 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.66cph!
Fixed protobuf class generation if the project path has spaces in it.
Added Igor racket & textures
GI Bake setting should fix build crap
Rock & cliff prefab finalization 1/2
- Some building placement work towards wall stuff
[zombies] soldiers get stat experience for doing different things
- Ported ProcessedTexture util and related files from Rust
- Tweaked SkyDome light properties
- Cleanup and improvements to influence map stuff
- Added dynamic shadow distance based on player distance to ground
[zombies] stat lvl up effect
Started work on player controller, spawning networked entities mostly working.
Reverted Igor scale
Started porting over anims and building a new controller
Merge branch 'interior' of arcade into net-lidgren
Merge branch 'interior' into net-lidgren
More client side spawning work.
Merge branch 'net-lidgren' of arcade into interior
Smash loop now loops!
Smash added to anim controller
Wired up TENN win / lose anims
Moved most protobuf schema definitions to be inline, started work on client side spawning.
Fixed standalone builds of the Arcade.
Added conditional logic for all roof blocks
Begin playback in Start instead of Awake on SoundPlayer so sounds start after EffectAudioPerspectiveSwitcher does it's thing (temp fix until I implement a more general solution for adjusting sounds before beginning playback)
Merge branch 'net-lidgren' of arcade into interior
Got rid of the `Arcade.dll` project entirely, fixing networking initialization (???)
Skin colour is based on steamid
Merge branch 'net-lidgren' of arcade into interior
Fixed `Networkable`s not being assigned editor IDs correctly.
Merge branch 'net-lidgren' of arcade into interior
Fixed `Chatbox` and `Player` classes not being detected by Unity.
Fixed a case where wall pieces would spawn a corner meshes through T connected walls (for all remaining wall pieces)
Added conditional models for wall.low top tier
Merge branch 'net-lidgren' of arcade into interior
Moved `SteamAPI.Shutdown()` call to `OnDisable()`.
Merge branch 'net-lidgren' of arcade into interior
Fixed error in `Chat` message definition.
Merge branch 'net-lidgren' of arcade into interior
Fixed error in `PlayerSpawn` message definition.
Source files in `Assets/Scripts` are now trawled for regions between `#if PROTOBUF` and a matching `#endif` to be used for protobuf class generation.
Fixed repeating pattern on stone roof
Fixed a case where wall.low pieces would spawn a corner meshes through T connected walls
Added end piece conditional mesh to close off wall end (wall.low.stone).
Added end piece conditional mesh to close off wall end (wall.low.wood).
Added end piece conditional mesh to close off wall end (wall.low.metal).
Merge branch 'net-lidgren' of arcade into interior
Added conditional meshes for metal wall.low and metal foundation blocks
Replaced `Chatbox` inline protobuf schema with new style.
Another possible inline protobuf schema style.
Premake script now generates protobuf classes.
Conditional meshes fully working for stone and toptier foundation blocks - lots less overdraw :3
Improved stone textures readability even more
[zombies] added stats for soldiers