257,433 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.67cph!
Switched steering back to 3D.
Fixed AIObstacleMesh collision detection.
Fixed terrain splat apply to allow arbitrary texture sizes
Rendersettings can be stored in court controller prefab and restored when loading a scene as additive
Improved steering interest, danger, and obstacle intensities.
Scene updates to reflect SplatOverlay rename
Fixed warning in standard terrain shader gui
Added back base normal override along with vertical flip toggle (terrainpaint) for testing
Cleaned up legacy terrain stuff; created one for Petur that plays ball with existing terrain extensions
NPC steering is now two dimensional.
deploy / fire / holster animations for the pump shotgun.
Item splitter ui
Fixed buttons highlighting when not mouse over
Fixed blueprints initial order/info
Brought back glossy env to terrain shaders; in b21 env cubes are now correctly assigned to terrains
Reverted back to detail normals; blending with terrain normal needs work
Added custom terrain shader inspector to overcome what seems to be a b21 bug: lack of real-time updates
Fixed d3d9 compilation errors in water shader
Now sends shit to players proper. Also tidied menu hide logic etc.
Changed default ball size and trail, switched to new ball mesh, changed spline type for ball movement, added ball initial velocity
filling in skybox diffuse, changed name to correct name
[racer] Front tyres are visible again.
Re-enabled scissor rect for lines.
Merge branch 'master' into drawlines-refactor
Basic mitering implemented. Can get very pointy.
First pass of new ball mechanics
Added terrain slope based flow direction to water animation (laying the foundation for proper waves)
Merged changes from main.
Line rendering is functional again.
tweaked ball colour per scene, changed DOF
SelectedItem panel hide/show
Right dragging drags one from stack
Middle dragging drags half from stack
Added Ape 'smash' special move
Fixed player eye position not always updating
Fixed not stopping looting when moving away
Fixed items being lost by moving into non existant slots
Added loot panel
adding brick textures for dan
New line rendering system is almost working.
added new ball with shader where you can set the colour for each segment and dividing line, added to cloud city env. Tweaked ring rotation speeds to be much slower, added middle ring (might need to tweak mesh), fixed DOF on main camera
Updated optimisation settings on Ape_win_02
Fixed god rays being invisible