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Merge branch 'deploy' of ssh://github.com/Facepunch/arcade
Changed the default game to Mazing.
Shader-level workaround for 'crazy polygons' caused by serialized meshes (vpaint)
Documentation updated during deployment build d3145b52-b7b7-4c60-8dcc-cb176ba4dad6.
Documentation updated during deployment build d3145b52-b7b7-4c60-8dcc-cb176ba4dad6.
Merge branch 'deploy' of ssh://github.com/Facepunch/arcade
API version is now ignored.
Documentation updated during deployment build c61731fa-1cd2-4bbb-a2e6-d81604f26950.
Documentation updated during deployment build c61731fa-1cd2-4bbb-a2e6-d81604f26950.
Updating satellite dish prefab
Updating the fbx files for the satellite
Simplified the instances into the maxfile - re-export
[platformer] small shake feedback when pressing side of block
checking in source files for several of the animal animations
[platformer] blocks shake a bit when they impact
[platformer] block sides can transition between spikes/no spikes
Scene stuff and a quick fix for biome/ocean issues
Use old generation method
Got rid of switch and bootstrap menus and made a much better settings window. Making the client / server able to run without the steam stuff so that it's easier to do some quick tests.
made some tweaks to the rabbit run/walk and idles
Disabled water in game_bootstrap, include Ocean prefab in individual scenes for now.
Baked navmesh for beach scene
Removed customized deferred shader; reverted back to built-in
Updating Third Party stuff. Scene things.
Animals now reset their search pattern when they run out of space.
Improved how animals avoid deep water.
Arrows have a sound, slight trail, and are much faster now
Documentation updated during deployment build 402cbc0f-f858-4a95-a12c-54e34db4dc1b.
Documentation updated during deployment build 402cbc0f-f858-4a95-a12c-54e34db4dc1b.
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:Facepunch/arcade
Merged in
Made campfires less deadly
Added audio to furnace
Destroying a crate makes it spew its contents
Fixed melee not registering under some conditions
Fixed gametrace not using spherecast on "hitboxes"
Fixed lantern material
increased storage box health
Merge branch 'deploy' of ssh://github.com/Facepunch/arcade
Fixed bugged out material for large storage
Fixed radius gametrace not hitting "hitboxes" (melee is better)
increased health of storage boxes
Test spiral now resets if it runs out of area to search.