256,437 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.66cph!
finished jail building, starting on rackets building, added wooden framework
Added native texture allocation, meant for optional dxt compressed cache
Removed native pre pass render (deprecated)
Added native pre pass readback and async histogram computation
Updated Windows 64 and 32bit DLLs
Updated TOD
Campfire prefab tweaks
Making a stripped down HEM implementation to use for rooms.
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:Facepunch/arcade
Attempting to improve shot returns - fixed move position for smash
Started work on a first person controller that can interact with cabinets.
Completely disabling water reflection (big perf issues)
Clearing m_PreloadedShaders because it crashes Unity on the build server
Fixed null ref in filmingcontrol
Added ape metas and added test rigged character to anim viewer scene
Added Water-Ocean shader (copied from Water)
Fixed filming setup in Alpine
loot crate optimization and fix.
Fixed players not being able to walk through doors
Fixed a bunch of substance textures that had reverted to legacy shaders
Added developer list (to allow things like joining servers without EAC, debugging)
clperf console command
Added ape racket testures
Added Ape character folders, game mesh & initial ready anim
Progress when loading a save on server
Don't make all server builds development builds (!)
Exported apline TOD to xml, set in BiomeAlpine. Set default SkyDome values to more neutral setup.
Muted all channels in the AudioMixer so the sound of the ocean doens't upset Petur
Copy win32 dlls over on build
Tweaked graphics settings, shader preload
Misc performance/profiling tweaks
TOD Params loading for Biomes via xml (button on manager to force load in editor, loading on init at runtime)
Screen reflections now show individual pixel LEDs.
Corrected the screen reflection scale.
Re-implemented OVR support.
Removing broken things
Restoring compatibility with the current server version
Queue and spread conditional model updates
Subtracting from the subtractive satellite dish commit
Alright fuck you unity. Not including any 32 bit libraries, going to copy them over manually instead.
Lets disable 32bit libraries completely in the editor
Removed unused reflection map.
Getting rid of 32bit so files we don't use
Added a deferred implementation of the screen reflection shader.
Fiddling with dll meta files again
Fixed the weird artifact that let you see screen reflections on surfaces facing away from the screen.
Just making sure SkyDome is saved with optimal settings.
Set games for all the cabinets in GameTest.unity after they were forgotten by the change to a new game source system.
Fixed up the screen reflection shader to reflect changes to the unity standard shader.
Fixed quickbursh eraser. Issue was that ctrl+x getkeyup was registered twice for each hit. I just added a button repeat timer threshold.
Added proxy methods to CabinetBase to access internal members of GameBase.