256,445 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.66cph!

10 Years Ago
Added a deferred implementation of the screen reflection shader.
10 Years Ago
Fiddling with dll meta files again
10 Years Ago
Fixed the weird artifact that let you see screen reflections on surfaces facing away from the screen.
10 Years Ago
Just making sure SkyDome is saved with optimal settings.
10 Years Ago
Set games for all the cabinets in GameTest.unity after they were forgotten by the change to a new game source system.
10 Years Ago
Fixed up the screen reflection shader to reflect changes to the unity standard shader.
10 Years Ago
Fixed quickbursh eraser. Issue was that ctrl+x getkeyup was registered twice for each hit. I just added a button repeat timer threshold.
10 Years Ago
Added proxy methods to CabinetBase to access internal members of GameBase.
10 Years Ago
10 Years Ago
Removed self init in Start from WeatherController
10 Years Ago
Stopped WeatherController init-self
10 Years Ago
Campfire and torch FX.
10 Years Ago
Fixed wrong mesh in cliff01 prefab
10 Years Ago
Backup commit.
10 Years Ago
Reverted some accidental string refactoring in other scripts.
10 Years Ago
10 Years Ago
Backup commit.
10 Years Ago
More dll settings
10 Years Ago
[platformer] blocks dont switch direction as often
10 Years Ago
Backup commit. Scene stuff and new trees.
10 Years Ago
Spiral now has equidistant nodes.
10 Years Ago
added particle system for various leaves blowing. added smoke puff to several of the footsteps.
10 Years Ago
Scene stuff
10 Years Ago
Changes to the building system.
10 Years Ago
10 Years Ago
Updated Humans, Impala.
10 Years Ago
- Fixed last few issues with UnitView/HumanUnitView changes. - Rexported a lot of assets to fix inconsistencies. - Setup arid/tropical/temperate/arctic human races. - Removed Eye coloring from UnitAsset settings - Updated all the prefabs ever
10 Years Ago
Updated RustNative information (we probably need to review this info for all dll/so/dylib)
10 Years Ago
Added SetupPrefab hepler func to UnitView.
10 Years Ago
sandstorm textures / sounds / script / prefab
10 Years Ago
Organized the monument assets in a somewhat future-proof fashion
10 Years Ago
Added DisableMaterialImport asset processor
10 Years Ago
Fixed my scale issue, it was my error from this morning. Pivot error was throwing the scale out ingame =/.
10 Years Ago
Making proper windows and doors instead of bodging them with cubes.
10 Years Ago
Lighthouse fixing, scale and uv issues still to fix.
10 Years Ago
Updated lighthouse max file, more fixing still not 100% right.
10 Years Ago
Physics layer adjustments for less client and server lag
10 Years Ago
Testing new hit mechanic by checking ball pass point slightly infront of player
10 Years Ago
Can now force animator into the serve idle state
10 Years Ago
Server performance enhancements Added gamemanifest check in SelfCheck
10 Years Ago
Removed colliders from animal skins (animal root object should handle collision)
10 Years Ago
Small lighthouse fbx fix.
10 Years Ago
Some more UnitView tweaks
10 Years Ago
Lighthouse 3ds max file check in.
10 Years Ago
Lighthouse monument check in, lots of files...this might break something/everything =/ so sorry early on.
10 Years Ago
Fixed a couple of warnings in b14.
10 Years Ago
Added volleys and force idle
10 Years Ago
added textures and updated jail building
10 Years Ago
Exposed serve and smash in anim viewer
10 Years Ago
Fixed block damage overlay performance Fixed block damage overlay z-fighting Fixed block health bar not reaching to the end Tweaked the placement guide to not z fight so much