256,518 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.66cph!
Added some view model stuff.
Can build on top of blocks (like floors)
Hinged door stability (falls to bits of frame destroyed)
Floor placement on supports more permissive
Lock is removed properly when door is destroyed
Made SceneAsset create its folder if not found
Qb template cleanup and yellow flower billboard fix
Made baked normal and height maps adjustable
Added yellow flowers, consolidated flower prefabs to use single mat each.
Classes extending Stage don't need to implement a constructor accepting a Game instance any more.
Pines ACTUALLY all use the same mats
Savannah trees all use the same mats
Saved ~70 ALU in terrain shader highest quality mode
Fixed rendering and updating order in games.
Pines now all use same mats
Added Grab Terrain Normal toggle to terrainBlendObj; enabled by default
Added some missing documentation for the Entity class.
Stability points on all non grounded blocks
Entity now implements IEnumerable<Sprite> so that collection initializers can be used, and ensured that sprites are ordered correctly.
Improved error reporting when loading or updating a game.
Fixed UVs on a bunch of placeholder building component meshes
Fixed a bunch of pink materials
RemoteLog - moved to server prefab (gamesetup is only for the editor)
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:Facepunch/arcade
Games are now maximally scaled again.
Fixed UVs on a bunch of placeholder building component meshes
Fixed compilation error messages not appearing when loading a game via command line.
Removed meta file for deleted DLL.
[platformer] improved crush detection
[platformer] player checks for being crushed
Removed unnecessary normal map flags from all ST mats.
Animals now have metabolism.
Client - disconnect if exception in networking
Strip LightLOD from server builds
Naaaants een-vwen-yaaaaaaa ma-ba-gee-chi-ba-va
(See-tee-hoummmm gwen-ya-maaaaa)
Created base metabolism class.
RustBuilder.exe - for the build server. Builds in paralell, catches Unity crashes and automatically retries.
chicken running / attack animations; Twerked the chicken walk animations a bit.
Pine intersection fix, and height diversity.
Fix toggle not working on debug cam
Cleaned up some of our filthy art folders
Fixed various missing / broken materials
Deleted UniversalMarmoset as it's broken (plus, I think the b13 shaders are supposed to look more like marmoset anyhow?)
Deleted empty folders, outdated prefabs, etc.
Tweaked wall sockets so you can place walls next to a block/stairs
Remote logging now uses production logging server.
Navmesh for inland_arid_1
Made LightLOD client-only
Added server.worldsize (allowed to be between 2000 and 8000 for now, defaults to 8000)
Removed ProceduralSmall level (use server.worldsize)