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10 Years Ago
Post-build deployment, GUID: c8ef37ff-4446-4332-a2f6-d4962f4d043e
10 Years Ago
Merge branch 'deploy' of ssh://github.com/Facepunch/arcade
10 Years Ago
Vector2f.Normalized will now return a zero vector if the length of the original vector is too small for a non-NaN result.
10 Years Ago
Removed colliders from rock prefabs, tweaked bird flock script, prefab tweaks
10 Years Ago
emmisive open and closed textures
10 Years Ago
Fixed clearing the console and a possible error while testing in-editor.
10 Years Ago
Added ability to clear the console by right-clicking on the toggle button.
10 Years Ago
10 Years Ago
Palm and stubby cull distance.
10 Years Ago
Fixed a couple of branches being clipped on the stubby tree LODs.
10 Years Ago
Added the missing prehistoric stubby trees. Crossfade on some LODs.
10 Years Ago
Fixed lighting bug on old pines. Palms move in a more palmy fashion.
10 Years Ago
Gave the foliage a base tone and hue variation value. LOD bias set to 1.
10 Years Ago
Trimmed unused data from SPM's. Stopped rendering subterranean trunks on ground foliage. Neutralized all ST's for seasonal tinting.
10 Years Ago
Biome updates
10 Years Ago
Working on some particles
10 Years Ago
FilmControl and some other updates
10 Years Ago
Bad stuff happens if-buildTo doesn't end with a slash
10 Years Ago
3rd chicken skin variation
10 Years Ago
Also copy all the bullshit to the -buildTo folder
10 Years Ago
Removing timestamp from GameManifest
10 Years Ago
Made tree mesh placeholders spawn whenever the loading screen is invisible Made tree prototypes rebuild whenever they are out of sync Made tree mesh placeholder child objects get moved to the correct layer
10 Years Ago
Seperate server build fuckup
10 Years Ago
Fixed -builtTo command line fuckup
10 Years Ago
- Fixed loading issue in island_large_1 - Fixed Biome _settings being null in some cases when it shouldn't be.
10 Years Ago
Splitting server debug build
10 Years Ago
Merge branch 'deploy' of ssh://github.com/Facepunch/arcade
10 Years Ago
Failsafe fix for error in embedded player.
10 Years Ago
Merge branch 'deploy' of ssh://github.com/Facepunch/arcade
10 Years Ago
Possible fix for error in embedded player.
10 Years Ago
Post-build deployment, GUID: 2b1de985-054d-4a3e-a15b-3ae703f8885e
10 Years Ago
Merge branch 'deploy' of ssh://github.com/Facepunch/arcade
10 Years Ago
Added support for specifying a game to load from the command line.
10 Years Ago
Allow building to specific folder if command line is set Log when official sever is rejected because it's not on the whitelist
10 Years Ago
Fixed pink viewmodel arms on b13
10 Years Ago
Fixed server compile error
10 Years Ago
Fixed that all rocks looked like metal in b13
10 Years Ago
Made my iceberg fix slightly less ghetto
10 Years Ago
Fixed icesheets being pink Ghetto fixed icebergs being super shiny
10 Years Ago
Manually added temporary colliders to the snow trees as they are missing in the speedtree files
10 Years Ago
Made unused components on placeholder tree objects get deleted
10 Years Ago
Merge from tree-batching
10 Years Ago
Refactored decor system for better cross-frame load distribution and faster refreshing
10 Years Ago
checking in new lods, transition should much smoother.
10 Years Ago
Rocks update
10 Years Ago
Biome assets shouldnt require data generation on each load
10 Years Ago
BiomeManager no longer needs a Terrain the scene
10 Years Ago
Updated trefalls SO test scene to match new zone setup
10 Years Ago
GroupAgentsMoveTo now disables NavAgentMoveRandom, renable for all agents in group via context menu.
10 Years Ago
Added updated template scene