257,967 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.68cph!
Added first draft of a custom tree billboard shader
Moved cginc files to their own folder so that they can be used by shaders in any subfolder
tweaked some of the animations for the bone knife and waterpipe shotgun.
-finished the rocket launcher animations
Started on crafting panel html/css. Added some placeholder icons. Added generic item directive and template.
Tweaked stuff, hoping it fixes broken grass
updated clothing parts source file
HTML UI can now steal keyboard input
Console Commands can now have no arguments
Console Commands throw warning on incompatible function bind
Added HTML UI chat, removed old chat
Console window swallows keys properly
Show cursor when console window visible
Chat history
Fixed triple headed bear in menu
Fixed belt activating when typing in chat
Fixed server browser error when listing servers with no tags
Updated procedural terrain test scene
Added forest type 3 resource prefabs
Moved old trees to legacy folder
Tightened north biome transition and made it fill only the northern third of the map
Added normals to grass meshes (set to terrain normal)
HTML menu scene didn't save
Added possibility to scale with population to spawn handler (was remporarily removed in networking transition)
Started moving stuff around so it'd work after assembly reloads but we still get crash when in game
Don't show servers with coloured names
Don't show servers with stupid and doubled up characters in their names
Don't show servers with obviously faked player counts
Ignoring files
Attempt to fix compability with unity 4.5
Fishing rod view model/world view model and LODs.
Fixed awesome server memory leak
Fixed invalid blueprints getting through, causing havok
Fixed protocol version not being set properly
Resists and weight bar added
some animations for the rocket launcher.
Fixed torch prefab Amplify Motion Object script reference
Tweaked procedural terrain biomes
Stopped player window rendering
-Added guiWindow directive to handle toggling of in-game windows via keyinput
Undone branding stomp, select stomp
source file added for sleeping anim
Added server filters html. Tweaked menu GUI structure and CSS. Added basic option screen tabs.
Added source file for naked body parts & relevant LODS so far.
Added source file for basic clothes range & relevant LODS
Death screen placeholder implemented
Fixed viewmodels staying after death
Fixed menu not showing
Updated protocol properly
Refactored menu HTML shit
Player model now starts asleep properly
Increased protocol
Third person offsets now in a variable (for editor, prefab editing)
Sleeping screen implemented
Framework for death + sleeping ui
Updated branding to better suit new version number format
Disabled select/drag on UI (by default)
Fixed loading progress text wrapping