257,756 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.67cph!
Terrain height has to be interpolated and normal can be nearest neighbor
Various grass and decor system tweaks
Added methods to get interpolated values from the thread safe terrain math class
Added FPS graph (fps.graph true/false)
Tweaked FPS graph to display raw rather than smoothed values
Fixed exception when cancelling task when no tasks exist
Run tick cycle every 60th instead of every 30th
Fixed console variables not setting (schoolboy error)
Added replacement menu test scene
moar waterpipe shotgun animations
Attempt at fixing the terrain texture / normal map blurriness
Server performance, prevent ticks from bunching up
Changed how scripts interact with terrain data and math
This should be somewhat future-proof now, but some things might still change
Improved grass LOD transition
Grass and foliage shader OCPD tweaks
Added wind to grass shader
Added smooth fadeout to grass shader
Added foliage shader (without wind for the time being)
Improved grass LOD transition
Made grass renderer auto-disable if the mesh of a patch is empty
Made grass atlas only tile in x direction to avoid uv bleeding
Added writecfg, server.writecfg
Added replicated convars
Accidentally re-wrote half the console system
Listen server creators are now admins
Fixed Jog Left being fucked
Linux native library update
This should fix dead players over-thinking on server
Fixed string pooling sending continuously in listen server
-some of the waterpipe shotgun animations done
This should fix not being able to hear other players
Added voice chat (via Steam)
Fixed Length bug in NetStream
Added some decor assets and prefabs
Deleted some old unused foliage textures
Added basic version of the grass shader
Added grass texture atlas
Renamed detail system to decor system
I chose the name when it was still intended to do the same thing the terrain detail system does
It doesn't handle any grass anymore at this point since that was moved to the new grass system
Removed the old grass system
It's clear now that the new one is better in every aspect
adding mudlegs with legs colour texture change normals are the same.
Done some bodging to connect to me.
Using Invoke to trigger network position changes on demand, instead of Ticking and bailing
Grass and detail generation tweaks
Added prototype of a grass LOD system
Updated steam api dll for editor