
6,615 Commits over 2,527 Days - 0.11cph!

5 Years Ago
Missed file
5 Years Ago
ThemeEventChange -> ServerStateChange (Network++), also setup a client event and property for season stuff
5 Years Ago
Validate season number changes in database, add console command to start a new season
5 Years Ago
Initial changes to support seasons (will need to review GameHostInternet.OnGameClosed)
5 Years Ago
Add FileSystem.GetFullPath
5 Years Ago
Proxy IntrospectionExtensions Type checking WIP Pull out my verifier into a separate project, switch to using the (extremely new) one from CoreRT
5 Years Ago
Fix entire in game HUD scrolling sometimes Remove some changes made for debugging
5 Years Ago
Add some (failing) tests for the unsafe IL used in System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe
5 Years Ago
Bring this back to life
5 Years Ago
Namespace change (will probably remove namespacing later though)
5 Years Ago
Radial menu
5 Years Ago
Fix components missing their namespaces
5 Years Ago
Add SetPositionAndRotation with optional collision correction stuff, BaseVehicle will disable physics and collision of the mounted entity
5 Years Ago
Build your own space ship
5 Years Ago
Gravity falloff, automatically disable ship gravity when influenced by planet gravity
5 Years Ago
Optionally support following surfaces by teleporting to the new position
5 Years Ago
Fix deserialization of enum arrays
5 Years Ago
Better ship movement
5 Years Ago
Fix camera rotation bug, make Controllable.EyeTrace use the actual camera position and orientation when possible
5 Years Ago
Spaceship flight controls
5 Years Ago
Can fly the rock around
5 Years Ago
Fix stacking vehicles
5 Years Ago
Fix strange movement on flat surfaces
5 Years Ago
Fix vehicle test gamemode Refactored space stuff
5 Years Ago
Spin the camera with the planet movements
5 Years Ago
Avoid a ton of boxed chars
5 Years Ago
Fixed walking on planet
5 Years Ago
Fix hotload going into webcon
5 Years Ago
Add forces to follow movement instead of just teleporting
5 Years Ago
Revert "Make AngularVelocity return the vector in pitch yaw roll" This reverts commit e4e13903c34737994a03e0a5d128401f5336cd5b. Angles<->Vector3 will convert rotation around axis to/from pitch yaw roll
5 Years Ago
Make AngularVelocity return the vector in pitch yaw roll
5 Years Ago
Add WIP space stuff
5 Years Ago
Server updating flag
5 Years Ago
Always send the matchmaking response (matches aren't instantly made anymore)
5 Years Ago
Fix possible NRE in the buy nuts panel
5 Years Ago
Make it possible to shoot over other units
5 Years Ago
Line of sight uses different methods for terrain and unit checks
5 Years Ago
New matchmaker
5 Years Ago
Add founder flag
5 Years Ago
Override the current culture earlier in boot
5 Years Ago
▄▌▇▅█▆ ▅▋▊█
5 Years Ago
Fix model category showing repeats of the same categories sometimes
5 Years Ago
Remove the voice chat option
5 Years Ago
New LOS check
5 Years Ago
Fix exception reporting URL
5 Years Ago
Show a message if the purchasable nut isnt fount
5 Years Ago
Automatically return to the menu if the game is over or not working when clicking surrender
5 Years Ago
Fix for authentication failure locking players out
5 Years Ago
Switch to HttpClient
5 Years Ago
Add some match analysis queries