
611 Commits over 730 Days - 0.03cph!

7 Years Ago
Split consumables when dropping
7 Years Ago
Limit consumable amount, add pickup notifications
7 Years Ago
Don't require base.Tick in HudComponent
7 Years Ago
Limited grenade ammo
7 Years Ago
Splitting weapons up
7 Years Ago
Who did that
7 Years Ago
Catch and log exceptions thrown in tasks
7 Years Ago
Remove damage from armour before health
7 Years Ago
Some grenade shit Don't immediately delete other instance's temp folder
7 Years Ago
Fix compiler error about async in generated code
7 Years Ago
Defer creation of BaseEntity overrides until all code is processed, fixes partial classes
7 Years Ago
Rename sync context and task scheduler, they aren't unreal specific
7 Years Ago
Update bindinggen
7 Years Ago
Cleaner list replication
7 Years Ago
Run the webcon server on the thread pool
7 Years Ago
Null checks for webcon
7 Years Ago
Cancel reloads
7 Years Ago
BindingGen generates the check for these now
7 Years Ago
Update bindinggen
7 Years Ago
Fix player states not being removed
7 Years Ago
Update to .NET Core 2.0
7 Years Ago
Replicate inventory using NetworkEntityReference
7 Years Ago
Add entity serializer, fix ImmutableList serialization
7 Years Ago
More generic network serialization Add back List<T> serializing
7 Years Ago
Reload times
7 Years Ago
Add a delay task that uses game time, remove old UObject map
7 Years Ago
Update bindinggen
7 Years Ago
Defer creation of InventoryPackage trigger until it can be picked up
7 Years Ago
Update hotload
7 Years Ago
Fix Gamemode.Current becoming null after hotload
7 Years Ago
Fix some issues with hotload
7 Years Ago
Update bindinggen
7 Years Ago
Update bindinggen
7 Years Ago
Update bindinggen to hopefully fix hotload
7 Years Ago
Update bindinggen to fix forward declares
7 Years Ago
Update bindinggen, cleanup old things in singleton
7 Years Ago
Update bindinggen to fix forward declares
7 Years Ago
Update binddinggen, swap defs to demonstrate other error
7 Years Ago
Cleanup C# projects
7 Years Ago
Updating to .NET Core 2.0 (preview 2), not working yet dynamic is BANNED Merge pull request #89 from Facepunch/netcore2.0 Upgrade to .NET Core 2.0 preview 2
7 Years Ago
dynamic is BANNED
7 Years Ago
Updating to .NET Core 2.0 (preview 2), not working yet
7 Years Ago
Update bindinggen
7 Years Ago
Update bindinggen
7 Years Ago
Don't return invalid pointers from object map
7 Years Ago
Fixes "Invalid object in GC" crash
7 Years Ago
Update bindinggen to fix broken weak handles
7 Years Ago
Update bindinggen, update binds to use unreal modifier and objectmap Change how HitResult is used, gotta fix unresolved external Update bindinggen, implicitly initialize managed classes Update bindinggen, move some variables into native, doesn't work yet fuck knows why Update bindinggen, make UWorld singular again Add mutex to objectmap methods Merge branch 'binding-objectmap' # Conflicts: # Sandbox.Unreal/Generated/Sandbox.Unreal.Bindings.cs # UnrealProject/Source/SandboxGame/Generated/Sandbox.Unreal.Bindings.cpp
7 Years Ago
Add mutex to objectmap methods
7 Years Ago
Update bindinggen, update binds to use unreal modifier and objectmap Change how HitResult is used, gotta fix unresolved external Update bindinggen, implicitly initialize managed classes Update bindinggen, move some variables into native, doesn't work yet fuck knows why Update bindinggen, make UWorld singular again