
1,062 Commits over 1,645 Days - 0.03cph!

4 Years Ago
Better formatting for the map size
4 Years Ago
Add a toggle switch to the smart alarm entity to switch notifications on/off for it
4 Years Ago
Fix header text not centered
4 Years Ago
Push the "jump to me" button in more, give it more consistent colors
4 Years Ago
ServerHeader uses NetworkImage Memoized a bunch of stuff in the map's GridLayer to see if its faster
4 Years Ago
Add devices tab with mock switch and alarm
4 Years Ago
Don't automatically open notifications when the app isn't in the foreground
4 Years Ago
Team tab cleanup, with styled-components too
4 Years Ago
Show queued players (if any) in the server info area
4 Years Ago
Pass through style prop on some core components (fixes styled-components extending)
4 Years Ago
Automatically close the bottom drawer when clicking on something
4 Years Ago
Updates team member list on chat screen, fixed a few other styles
4 Years Ago
Bottom drawer only on hub
4 Years Ago
Server switcher
4 Years Ago
WIP bottom drawer (visible on all tabs)
4 Years Ago
News page, Padding is now numbers (use PaddingPx for string with suffix)
4 Years Ago
Some tab bar styling, fix keyboard avoiding for chat
4 Years Ago
Headerless team tab, <Page> can apply the offset to not go under the status bar now
4 Years Ago
Remove the old color constants file
4 Years Ago
Hub team member list
4 Years Ago
Hub server info
4 Years Ago
More styled-components, maybe working image preloading, more cleanup
4 Years Ago
WIP components cleanup and pulling components/styles from Lewis's playground
4 Years Ago
Clicking blogs opens them in a fullscreen WebView now (external links will go to the actual browser though)
4 Years Ago
Moved the blog view over here
4 Years Ago
Revert the in-app blog view (moving to branch)
4 Years Ago
Types for styled-components Blog header image
4 Years Ago
WIP paragraphing and whitespace collapsing
4 Years Ago
WIP blog viewing
4 Years Ago
Fix map jumping to the bottom left corner
4 Years Ago
Transparent header for the map tab
4 Years Ago
Proper monument names on the map, also use the same font as the game
4 Years Ago
Switch SafeAreaView to React Navigation's copy (it lets you isable specific sides)
4 Years Ago
Special content on the team tab if the player isn't in a team
4 Years Ago
Set the chat input placeholder color
4 Years Ago
Fix keyboard covering chat textbox on iOS
4 Years Ago
Fix PlayerHead not showing avatar on iOS because of out of range borderRadius
4 Years Ago
Add a <StatusBar> back in cause it maybe does stuff for iOS
4 Years Ago
Add jarryd to the mocking data
4 Years Ago
NetworkImage will now show the placeholder image if the image fails to load for whatever reason
4 Years Ago
Add the top left back button back to the settings and pairing screens
4 Years Ago
Navigation cleanup (also fixes the header swiping away when animating)
4 Years Ago
WIP color swatch stuff Finish up swatches, AsyncButton uses it to set color themes with one prop
4 Years Ago
Fix require cycle Don't show rust logo on PageMessage when there's a retry button (so it doesn't get pushed off screen) Fix map jumping away from your player when loading
4 Years Ago
Retry button on pages if a server fails to load
4 Years Ago
Login screen shows error if the page fails to load
4 Years Ago
Fix hub not showing news when you have no servers paired
4 Years Ago
Split navigation into multiple files
4 Years Ago
Fix pairing notifications sticking around after opening the pairing screen automatically
4 Years Ago
Fix new server not being selected after confirming it