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4 Years Ago
▍▇▆▍ ▌ ▋▍▌██▊▍ ▉▆▅▋ ▆ ▅▉█▇▌▅ ▆▊▉▅ ▇▆ ▋▉▋▋▍▇ ██▉▋▆▌▋ ▉▍▅▆ ▄▊▇▇ ▅█▋▉▄▅▆▄▆ ▇▊ ▊▉▊
4 Years Ago
█▄▉ ▋▇▌▉▇ ▇▄▍▅▌▋█ ▄▌▉▉▅▆ ▉▍▌▉▌▆▋▍▍ ▆█▇ ▍▄▇▊▌▉▊ ▄█▄▌▊▇▊▊▆
4 Years Ago
▇█▅▇█ ▅▊▇▄▇█▊ █▊▄▌▍▆▉ - ▇▍▄▊ ▅▇▊ ▉██▇█▍▉ ▍▇ ▆ ▍█▆█ ▉▍▌▊▊ ▊▍▊▄▍▋ ▅▉▍█▇▌ ▍▍▌▉▅▍ ▋▌█▅▉ ▇▋▌▉ ▄▄ ▌▄▆ ▄▉▋▊▍█▉▉ ▇█▉▉▄█▄ ▉▇▍▇▄▅▋▅ ██▆▇▄▆▄ ▉▅▇▄▌'▇ ▅▆▊▊▇ ▅ ▉▄▉ ▄▇▆▌▍▋▅ █▄▄ ▆█▆▅ ▊▅ █▆ ▆▌█▅ ▍▊▊ ▇▄▆▋▊▍▆▄▍█ ▍▄▆▆ ▇█▋▇▄▉▍▍▅▄▉▍ ▌▆▅▅ ▌ █▊▅▊▊▌▊ █▄▄▇ ▇▋▋▅▅ ▍▌█ ▊▌ ▍▄▊█▍▆▆▊▅▍▌▋ ▉▉▇ ▄▊▋ ▉▄▌▍▉ ▊▉ ▇ ▇▇▋▌▇▋█▄ █▊▉ ▆▊▊█▋▍▄ █▉▅ (▅▌▄▇▅▌▊ "▍▄▉▄▌▉ ▌▌▍▆ ▉▅▇ ▉▄▊▉█▄▌" ▉▅▍ "█▅▄ ▆▅▉▊▉▆▍ + ▌▄█▄█▇▄")
4 Years Ago
Hook up smart alarm animator
4 Years Ago
Hooking up more smart switch animation stuff, don't allow interactions without power
4 Years Ago
Smart switch receiver lights hooked up
4 Years Ago
Hook up the new art to the smart alarm prefab Allow anyone to edit the message when there's no TC Fix cancel button doing nothing on the message setup screen
4 Years Ago
Merge from main
4 Years Ago
▌▋▉▍█ ▉▌▊▌ ▋▇▉▌▇▇▄▋▌▄▄▌▋
4 Years Ago
Refresh setup menu when connecting/disconnecting
4 Years Ago
4 Years Ago
TypeScript upgrade Update protos (removes
4 Years Ago
Don't show team leader's death marker to everyone
4 Years Ago
Update map note handling
4 Years Ago
Merge from main
4 Years Ago
▄▍█▅ ▉▆▄▅▆▍▌█▍▉ ▆▌▆▋▊▄▅ ▉▄ ▌▅▋▅ ▄▋▉▄▉ ▊▇▄▋▌▊█
4 Years Ago
▄▌▄▆▅█ ▌ ▉▅▄▍▊▆ ▋▋▆▍ █▍▌▉▊▄▅▌▍ ▆▋▋▆▄█ ▉▊▇▍ ▄▇▆▉▋▍ ▅█▉▋█▍ ▉▉▅▍▋▉▉ █▌▌█▆▆▅
4 Years Ago
▉▉▇ ▄▋▉█▄▄▊▅▌▉▆▄ ▊▉▌▍▉▇▇ ▌▋▋▆▇▅█ █▋▅ ▅▊▍▍▅ ▊▅▍▄▊▉▇▍, ▍▅▍ ██▄ ▉▄▇▇ ▅▊▉▇█▅ ▆▉ ▉▍▍▋
4 Years Ago
▊▊██▄▋▌ ▉▍▇▊▊▌▇ ▅▄▇▇ █▍▅▆▄▌▄▇ ▋▊▋▋█▋▇▆ ▄▅▄ ▄▅▇-▍▍▌█▄▍▇▊ ▋▆▄▌▊▌▍
4 Years Ago
▅▇▋▅▊▌ ▇▄▌▍▍▌▅▌██▍▋█ ▉▄▍ ▌█▍▊▌▄▉▍, ▄█▍'▆ ▊▅▆▇▄▋▅ ▊▆▇█▄▄▊ ▊▄▍▇ ▍ ▊▋▆█▆ (▆▍▍ ▇▉▌▍█▍ ▍▅▆▅▊▊▊▇ ▇▊▉▄)
4 Years Ago
▌█▌ /▆▍█▋█▆▇▊▍▋▊▉ ▇█▋█▆ ▄▌▊▉▇▌▄ ▄▆ ▅▇▊▄ ▆▋▉'▊ ▅▊▋▋ █▅▅▍██, ▄▄▅▊▋ ▄▅▇ ▍▌▆▍▄█▋▅▄▍▍ ▍█▌▍▋ ▆▄▊█▊ ▋█ ▉▌ █▍▄▅█▊▊
4 Years Ago
▅▌▉▇▌▊ ▋▍▅▄ ▄▍▉▍ ▆▊▊▅▅▋▌ ▊▄██▅▇█▌ ▌▄▇█ ▄▊▅▅▄'▅ ▊ ▌▍▍▅▆▉▇ ▍▅▍▊▊ █▆ ▉█'▋ ▅▍▋▆▆▅▆▍▋
4 Years Ago
Rename to Rust+
4 Years Ago
Update menu UI to use designs from Lewis
4 Years Ago
Fix map jumping to the bottom left instead of center when there's no player marker
4 Years Ago
▋▋█▋▍ ▍▆▋▄▍▍▅ ▋▋▄ █▄█▇▊▌ ▊▅▇ ▄▍▆▌▉▉▍█ ▋▇▉▉▇ (▋▍█▉ █▇▅ ▇▅▇▆▌▍), ▆▌█▊ ▇▄▉▄▋▄ ▋█▆█ ▄▉▇▇ ▅█ ▅▆█▌ ▅▇▇▄▄▌ (▊▍▄▉ ▆▄▍▄)
4 Years Ago
▄█▋█▄ ▇▇▆ ▊▌▌▉▅▄ ▇▊ █▊▄ █▇▍▇▉▍▌ ▋▄█▊ ▌▉▇ ▅▋ ▄▆▆▅▆ ▄█ ▄▌▉ ▉▉▅▋▉▄
4 Years Ago
Hide the setup menu unless a convar is set (default off)
4 Years Ago
Update menu panel to use Rust.UI, hook it up on the main menu
4 Years Ago
Merge from main
4 Years Ago
Fix possible divide by zero (and possible hard crash in reanimated)
4 Years Ago
Simplified keyboard theme code Better authenticating screen
4 Years Ago
Made the chat send button a bit easier to hit
4 Years Ago
Hub memoizing, cleanup
4 Years Ago
Better ChatInput behavior
4 Years Ago
Memoize more team stuff
4 Years Ago
4 Years Ago
Memoize a bunch of stuff + some cleanup
4 Years Ago
Add margin between server name and the radio button on the server switcher (so long names dont almost touch it) Use the right icon for BackButton Don't show a checkmark on servers that aren't selected Allow AsyncButton to be styled again, remove redundant styles (hopefully this isn't the cause of the iOS problem...) Confirm dialog colors "cancel" buttons grey instead of green Don't use a transparent header on the blog because it overlaps the blog when you scroll down
4 Years Ago
Fix server switcher height calculation Fix server switcher height not updating properly when changing
4 Years Ago
Don't allow the hub to go behind the status bar Improve server title positioning
4 Years Ago
Remake the smart switch entity with receiver and icon
4 Years Ago
▍▉▍ ▊▌▋ ▆▋▇▍▍ ▉▉▄█▋ ▄▍▆▍▋▇▋▅ ▇█ ▉▆▄▍ ▍▇██▇▍▌▌ (█▌▇▍▉ ▌▇▋▇ ▊▅▍ ▌▋ ▌▍▋▉ ▌▋▇ "▇▆▍▊▇(▄)" ▉▄▅)
4 Years Ago
Set tab page navigationOptions properly now that they're memoized
4 Years Ago
React.memo all the tab pages
4 Years Ago
Fix hub rendering the loading indicator on the left side for a few frames when loading the app
4 Years Ago
Fix off center page headers now that the settings button is gone on some
4 Years Ago
Hide "unhandled" error when loading the map on servers that don't support the new map markers
4 Years Ago
Merge from main
4 Years Ago
Another possible host for login