257,439 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.67cph!
Fixed white terrain on dev
Updated shaders to integrate better with b21 changes
Added right hand side score panel
Renamed some shit because of case sensitivity.
Testing to see if updates are working.
Fixed issues with torch 3rd person anims/effects not working properly (player controller)
Added system info tab to F1 menu
Fixed `RectF.Center` and `RectI.Center` setters.
Fixed scaled `Text` rendering.
Manifest shit probably finally fixed.
Fixed a few mistakes with `Transform.Inverse`, fixing `Tilemap` culling.
Texture size/compression tweaks
Fixed `Tilemap` scaling, vertical culling is a bit whack though.
Made vector type naming consistent with `RectF` and `RectI`.
Added setters for `RectI` properties `TopLeft`, `TopRight`, `BottomLeft`, `BottomRight`, `Size` and `Center`.
Added setters for `RectF` properties `TopLeft`, `TopRight`, `BottomLeft`, `BottomRight`, `Size` and `Center`.
Merge branch 'master' into transform-stack
Fixed water shader errors
Added `Graphics.WorldScissorBounds` property, using it for Tilemap culling.
Added `RectF.TransformedBounds()` method.
Fixed ragdoll errors on u5b21
Unit interaction fixes and some Radial Menu tweaks
Fixed a couple of UI issues caused by assets moving around
Manifest stuff working properly now I think. Correct prefabs are loaded based on ID.
TOD custom mats/textures tweaked
Removed some old TP stuff
Bit by bit so plastic doesn't freak out