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14 Minutes Ago
▋▉▄ ▇▋▄▇▉▅▍▍▆▌█ █▊ ▍▅▅▊▄▊▍▄█
23 Minutes Ago
add smoothness and specular reflectivity multipliers to splat base layers
29 Minutes Ago
re-exported viewmodel mesh fbx to face positive z
30 Minutes Ago
Always do light footstep particles
32 Minutes Ago
Added SFX for begin and end running state. Also added wooshing sfx and speed lines while in running state.
35 Minutes Ago
▅▄▉▇▉ ▋▄▄▉ ▅▆▇█
57 Minutes Ago
Better sprinting feedback, updated particles, Punch ability no longer starts in improper state. Fixed footstep particles spawning in the air sometimes.
1 Hour Ago
Better feedback from punching, particles when swinging, punching cancels running speed.
1 Hour Ago
Added SFX for Punching, Swinging, and Breaking Punchables Added Punchable.IsBreakable so not all punchables can be destroyed
1 Hour Ago
Case sensitive include (Linux compile fix)
1 Hour Ago
Groundwork for PE changes Particle browser with previews for Particle Editor https://files.facepunch.com/rubat/2024/September16-554-RoughAsiansmallclawedotter.png
1 Hour Ago
Added MovieMaker Library Added Interactables, NPCs, and a basic CutsceneManager. Created a Test NPC with Test Cutscene.
1 Hour Ago
Huge reword and restructure to radioactive items~ Any item can now be radioactive Added new flag on containers to check if any radioactive material is inside before they end up having to count up all their rads. Only used on the ItemModContainerRads for the moment BaseRadioactiveMaterial now declared Extra comments Huge code cleanup with clearer method names
2 Hours Ago
Clean: removing overriden-but-not-really method from LootableCorpse Tests: none, trivial change
2 Hours Ago
Clean: simplifying ItemContainer.MarkDirty Tests: none, trivial changes
2 Hours Ago
Update: ModularVehicleInventory pools ItemContainer - Had to cause it to discard MVI on server destroy to properly clean up pool containers. Can add MVI pooling later. Tests: on craggy approached one of spawned vehicles, inserted pistons in the engine then blew up with c4. Pistons dropped, next spawned vehicle didn't have them. Telemetry had expected values.
3 Hours Ago
only apply surface breaking drag to non-kinematic players (fixes warning when DPV would submerge)
3 Hours Ago
Quick change to rear ratchet
3 Hours Ago
Defined limits. Tweak strength and duration.
3 Hours Ago
Update: ContainerIOEntity pools ItemContainer - reimplemented inventory accessor to be backed by an explicit private var Tests: spawned small rain collector, destroyed it - saw expected changes in telemetry
3 Hours Ago
Prune unused child nodes during validation Was doing this when removing links, but this would sometimes break graphs during deserialization
3 Hours Ago
3 Hours Ago
new font
3 Hours Ago
Poll rad amount inside container when opening Centralised MaterialToRadsRatio inside Radiation.cs
4 Hours Ago
Blockout of catapult (not functional yet)
4 Hours Ago
sanity checking tools for non-convex mesh colliders
4 Hours Ago
Update: ItemBasedFlowRestrictor pools ItemContainer Tests: in editor on Craggy made fusebox mortal and shot it - saw ItemContainer returned to pool
4 Hours Ago
More rad dart wip
4 Hours Ago
Test Bench Gibs + Break on Destroy Fix prefab references since files moved
4 Hours Ago
Wobble Shader
4 Hours Ago
Add more perf markers to nav agent
5 Hours Ago
Actually punch in the direction player is facing instead of looking
5 Hours Ago
Buffed radioactive water. Hazmat still more than enough protection
5 Hours Ago
Punching now stops the player in-place and lunges them forward a bit
5 Hours Ago
Update: DroppedItemContainer pools ItemContainer Tests: spawned a wooden box, added rock and torch, destoyed it with AK. Looted the dropped container, it disappeared. Saw the uptick and downtick in telemetry when expected.
5 Hours Ago
Jiggle Bone on the Hair
5 Hours Ago
Reworked ItemModContainerRads to only cache rad updates on item added/removed Should improve reliability whilst also preventing checks on OnDirty providing a decent performance increase
5 Hours Ago
Bugfix: Avoid dangling ItemContainer reference on Clear. - ItemContainer.Clear now removes items immediately, rather than deferring them to ItemManager's removal queue - Callbacks are also invoked earlier, before the ItemManager's removal queue pumping - Instead of sending out per-item ItemContainer-MarkDirty events, we only do 1 for all - ItemContainer.Kill also clears onPreItemRemove and parent This prevents a pooling bug where we recycle ItemContainers in same frame before ItemManager removal queue being pumped. It would lead to "invisible" items occupying the inventory. Tests: Spawned a wooden box, filled it up with stuffs, destroyed it - dropped container spawned with inventory(instead of dropping on the ground). Looting it caused it to despawn(instead of stay in the world).
5 Hours Ago
TerrainFilter supports a radius TerrainTopologyMap.GetTopology checks an actual circle, not a square
5 Hours Ago
Try this punch anim
5 Hours Ago
Punch anims
5 Hours Ago
Animgraph punch
5 Hours Ago
Move DestroyBetweenRounds to GameLoop rules
5 Hours Ago
Move sound emitter to a library, document it, add AutoStart prop
5 Hours Ago
Ensure ItemModConsumeContents also calls onItemAddedRemove
5 Hours Ago
Bit more organization, create lib
5 Hours Ago
Punchable no longer scales collider, only visual
5 Hours Ago
Pie Punch
6 Hours Ago
Drinking from a vessel now calls onItemAddedRemoved
6 Hours Ago
Coin anims