254,979 Commits over 3,990 Days - 2.66cph!
added inital setup file for hammer view model
Added a working OS X 64bit build, I'll try to fix the 32bit build next
Moved the Test editor menu item to its own file
Latest SteamNative.bundle, made everything universal 32 and 64 bit builds to debug the SIGILL issue further
Copy script for me to test things
Module message (client -> server)
checking in the new view model that is using the player model rig
deleting all of the old view models
checking in the player model animations
Ignore OS X .DS_Store files
Refactoring, simplification
More refactoring - this one breaks everything :)
Refactoring item system for simplicity
WorldItem (and deployable) now spawns, networks properly
Networking now provides own UIDs
Visibilty managers
Visibility Subscribers
Visibility groups
Snapshots on join
Added player rig file complete with character set
Added anim template to be used for future animations ( rig is referenced). Includes quick selection sets & View model camera
Rock 5a with textures going in.
Client inventory is now networked
Make Net.IsServer/IsClient proper - they basically return whether we're running a server, or running a client. Will return false if we're doing neither (like if we're in the menu)
added new game ARCHAEROLOGY
Didn't save until I exited - empty prefab
Big server browser changes, still pending a lot of stuff, but is functional
Added DroidSandMono - it's a monospaced font for situations where we need one (Roboto don't do one)
Fleshed out steam library further
Filling out a few more functions
Server browser functions (incomplete)
Matchmaking/Server Browser binds (partial)
Added view model wood hammer anims & meta file with clip data
Added view model animation template, containing referenced rig & correct camera setup
Added new rigs folder, as well as View model arms maya rig
Fix a scale issue with the apple mesh.
server_console prefab was BULLSHIT (!)
Still crashing with no gfx card, retrying
Server crash - following a hunch
Added server console window for -batchmode mode
Server now calls EndAuthSession when client disconnects
Client disconnect -> back to main menu
CancelAuthTicket for client
Added Empty scene to build settings
A little utility for me to quickly copy updated bins over