258,010 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.68cph!
added new game ARCHAEROLOGY
Didn't save until I exited - empty prefab
Big server browser changes, still pending a lot of stuff, but is functional
Added DroidSandMono - it's a monospaced font for situations where we need one (Roboto don't do one)
Fleshed out steam library further
Filling out a few more functions
Server browser functions (incomplete)
Matchmaking/Server Browser binds (partial)
Added view model wood hammer anims & meta file with clip data
Added view model animation template, containing referenced rig & correct camera setup
Added new rigs folder, as well as View model arms maya rig
Fix a scale issue with the apple mesh.
server_console prefab was BULLSHIT (!)
Still crashing with no gfx card, retrying
Server crash - following a hunch
Added server console window for -batchmode mode
Server now calls EndAuthSession when client disconnects
Client disconnect -> back to main menu
CancelAuthTicket for client
Added Empty scene to build settings
A little utility for me to quickly copy updated bins over
Added Steam_User_CancelAuthTicket
Consumables - Apple mesh and textures.
Replace SSOA with AO - which is much much faster
Fixed not being able to re-join server
Simplified connection auth calls
Linked the "Game Setup" and "Main Camera" prefabs
Changed the SteamNative.dylib to 32bit-only until we figure out the issue with the universal build
Didn't undo some automatic changes to a material and scene file by Unity, now I'm forced to merge
This shouldn't have been checked in
These don't get copied to the right place on compile - so removing and manually copying the required files over
Added prereq folder - for libraries that need to be added to builds
Adding rock shader, not too sure where to put this really.
dedicated server uploaders