
1,109 Commits over 1,219 Days - 0.04cph!

1 Year Ago
Make vr_per_view_lighting_constants_legacy.fxc avaliable on retail
1 Year Ago
Rip out http allow list, rules for allowed urls are http/https to fully qualified domains or loopback on ports 80/443/8080/8443 Allow list was intended to let players clearly see what a game was doing, but there's better ways to do it
1 Year Ago
vulkan: don't do the flush trick for generate mips, not needed and force flushing the gpu from non main-thread cocks up
1 Year Ago
Shader fixes, recompile some addon shaders with Vulkan too
1 Year Ago
Fix GlobalLobby preventing games from starting :(
1 Year Ago
vulkan: surprassing max device access threads in MarkIssuesCommands isn't an error case anymore
1 Year Ago
Delete trilinear threshold 360 vulkan: rewrite per thread descriptor set pools, eliminating max device access threads since .net can use a shit load - need to add some garbage collection on top of this, but will prevent the main crash that's been occuring GlobalLobby works with new LobbyManager ( global chat works again )
1 Year Ago
Patch our C# launchers to enable discreet GPU usage by exporting NvOptimusEnablement & AmdPowerXpressRequestHighPerformance symbols
1 Year Ago
Hammer: fix crash with drag dropping map view
1 Year Ago
Don't try to visit field of a delegate, we don't need to - fixes sboxgame/issues#2642
1 Year Ago
Hammer: handle map node deletion when dragging - fixes sboxgame/issues#3092
1 Year Ago
Add editor.preferences event, passes NavigationView Hammer: Import file undo action
1 Year Ago
Simple image asset preview widget
1 Year Ago
Revert "ShaderTypeManager shouldn't load manifest spritecard shader" - I wanted to stop vfxcompile loading this every time, but this breaks map compiling? 😵‍💫 Checkboard error shader, doesn't show through walls (same as cs2)
1 Year Ago
vfxcompile into a normal exe, remove ivfxcompile, remove loads of vmpi shit, materialsystem2 stop linking vfxcompile Fix vfxcompile always saying building 0 shaders ShaderTypeManager shouldn't load manifest spritecard shader Misc materialsystem2 fixes
1 Year Ago
materialsystem2 stop trying to load rendersystemdx9 User shaders set attributes for vrad3 - fixes lightmapping, do not cast shadows, and probably other crap Recompile blendable with fixed attributes
1 Year Ago
Don't open a blank asset resolver window if we're missing _bakeresourcecache shit
1 Year Ago
Don't need to collect vfx manually here anymore Make new material use the right shader Move core/base shader check to AddAsset so package references don't try to upload core shaders too
1 Year Ago
Fix vr_stencil geom shader failing to compile as antlr hates preprocessor maths
1 Year Ago
Fix CVfx::CreateFromResourceFile using wrong named block for spir-v Fix visualize_depth shader
1 Year Ago
Hammer: materials tagged with "decal" will create an info_overlay on drag so you can put bird shit everywhere
1 Year Ago
Same DX11 texture streaming crash fix for Vulkan
1 Year Ago
Fix some shader warnings Latest compiled shaders with DX11 + Vulkan
1 Year Ago
Delete unused "pre baked vertex animation" combo from complex
1 Year Ago
Undo accidental changes to DX11 light cbuffers
1 Year Ago
RenderTools::Draw - stick to instanceid input layout, fixes water and world panels (I'm pretty sure it's the shaders using this wrong, but I'll come back to it)
1 Year Ago
Re-enable VrLightBinnerSingleLightFastPath this is most definitely being used Hot fix shadergraph, compile dxbc only
1 Year Ago
New rendersystemvulkan & vfx_vulkan RenderTools::Draw handle input layout variation better Tag rendersystem for Sentry Use compute shader for bloom on Vulkan & fix uav barriers ::lerp fix for FXC, couple of double layer define fixes Invalid shader handle checks in CVideoPlayerProvider::PresentYUV420Texture New PerViewLightingConstantBufferVr_t for Vulkan, remove unused and realign, stop using structs in a cbuffer :x Lightbinner doesn't need all this dynamic shit, max lights is compiled into shaders Split lightbinner into legacy and new paths, strip loads of shit that Sam pinky promises me is unused Fix race for generated hlslvariables file
1 Year Ago
Fix orphan detection doing nothing, it was tailored for content/game folders
1 Year Ago
CI wasn't using that bat 🤦 delete orphans from workflow file
1 Year Ago
Delete orphans with CI
1 Year Ago
Update dotnet runtime redistributable to 7.0.7
1 Year Ago
Delete unused generate_decal_normals Shader warning/error fixes Strictness shader fixes Shader Resource V2 - Has a DXBC & a SPIRV block, V1 resources still work as DXBC Don't update special dependency version number for shaders, otherwise we'll fuck all v1 resources 😵
1 Year Ago
Remove GetShaderFullPath legacy shader replacement hacks, nothing should be relying on this encoded_normals.fxc fixes postprocess_standard_p*.shader fixes
1 Year Ago
Fix minor old assert breaking debug builds
1 Year Ago
Map missing asset resolver ignores _bakeresourcecache
1 Year Ago
Remove FSR from renderingpipeline ( been gone from settings forever ) ShadingModel: use classes instead of structs where we have member functions Glass shader: be explicit with Material::lerp usage Fix ShadingModelStandard not using adjusted alpha to coverage opacity
1 Year Ago
Soundscapes always transmit, should fix long initial delay
1 Year Ago
Fix some more questionable crap I did Fix texture compiles being dark, typoed SrgbGammaToLinear instead of SrgbLinearToGamma 🤦
1 Year Ago
Fix threading issue in navgen too
1 Year Ago
Delete some unused tier0 files Fix threading issue in raytraceenvironment, be more explicit and capture the lambda parameters earlier when the job is queued not executed
1 Year Ago
New tier0 threadpool code from Valve * Functor processors removed in favor of std::function jobs (lambdas) * QueueJob always returns a SmartPtr now * JF_PER_FRAME flag added for scheduling jobs to be completed this frame * Improvements to contention by putting stuff on cachelines * New simple ParallelFor usage: ```cpp ParallelFor( 0, 10, []( int n ) { Msg( "%d\n", n ); } ); ``` The fun part: replaced all functor thread jobs with lambdas, and make it work with SmartPtrs This is just done manually by me and isn't from Valve, so there's likely a few cock ups - but everything I've tested has been good. Fix all occurences of WaitForFinishAndRelease() on smart ptrs
1 Year Ago
Delete native saverestore systems Saved myself a 5 minute change by spending hours deleting code, and I don't think I even got it all remove some unused convars cl_team, cl_class, (versus_)stats_highlight_interval, mapcyclefile and some debug concmds
1 Year Ago
ui: onmousedown triggers from middle mouse too, seems accidental that it wasn't
1 Year Ago
Add Asset.GetUnrecognizedReferencePaths() - returns a list of paths this asset references that can not be resolved (missing from disk) Missing asset resolver when loading Hammer maps If your map contains missing assets when you load your map (after EditorReferences have been resolved), we will check if there are matching assets on and prompt the user to install them. We don't have to worry about updating EditorReferences here either, as this is automatically done on save if any asset refs have a linked package. After the assets are installed the user will be prompted to reload the map - this is needed to reload the missing assets.
1 Year Ago
Fix Gizmo.Draw.SolidCircle transforms
1 Year Ago
Hammer: display download progress of cloud assets using gizmos
1 Year Ago
Can publish shaders & shader graphs
1 Year Ago
Hammer undos for sndscape and sound drops Hammer: cloud materials don't stick to everything they've hovered, and can be undone now
1 Year Ago
History API for Hammer Hammer: add undos for models & dragged entities