
909 Commits over 943 Days - 0.04cph!

1 Year Ago
vr: don't transform hand's angular velocity to anchored pose, it's not something you want or expect to be affected by it
1 Year Ago
Unfuck VR culling frustum which was causing scene objects to get rejected thinking they were only visible on 0.1% of the screen
1 Year Ago
vr: particle renderer don't initialize 4x vbos for instancing, only need 2x vr: fix cables renderer adjusting the transform id the wrong way, cables will render in right eye again
1 Year Ago
Update sentry-native 0.5.2, add Crashpad WER handler which bypasses SEH to handle __fastfail and stack buffer overrun crashes
1 Year Ago
release shaders for projected decals - should fully behave in VR now
1 Year Ago
projected decals: small compile fix for shader
1 Year Ago
Fix r_stereo_multiview_instancing affecting non stereo rendering
1 Year Ago
Get rid of anaglyph and parallel stereo rendering modes r_stereo_multiview_instancing: default 1, same as VR Add Debug menu options for stereo rendering to the editor ( easy way to see if your game renders properly in VR )
1 Year Ago
Release shader for projected decals
1 Year Ago
projected decal shader: adjust the instance id under multiview instancing so it actually appears in the right eye - decal space position still seems off though
1 Year Ago
vr: make debugoverlay work on right-eye again, don't constantly change render target to swapchain vr: debugoverlay behaves properly for multiview instancing now too
1 Year Ago
System.Net.WebSockets for tool addons
1 Year Ago
Load System.Security.Cryptography.Algorithms.dll, System.Security.Cryptography.Primitives.dll - and whitelist System.Security.Cryptography
1 Year Ago
hammer: fix entities not loading from remote packages, this was accidentally reliant on tools.refresh event & now it makes more sense
1 Year Ago
Assert when a nullptr is passed to CCompositeParentSpaceState::CopyBoneTransformWeights - we need to figure out why it's happening, and if it is valid then we need a dozen nullptr checks on m_pInterpolatedBoneTransformWeights Crash fix / assert in CCompositeParentSpaceState::operator== where m_pInterpolatedBoneTransformWeights could be nullptr
1 Year Ago
hammer: fix crash when undoing changes to path nodes
1 Year Ago
Send fonts over network for local games
1 Year Ago
Hammer API: Add Selection.PivotPosition Add GameSetting.Step for Float types Game Settings: Fix float value sliders being integer only GameSettings: Fix string type settings not displaying
1 Year Ago
Un-whitelist Task.WhenAll/Task.WhenAny, implement them on GameTask and TaskSource instead
1 Year Ago
Whitelist more of System.Threading.Tasks.Task: Task.FromCanceled, Task.FromException, Task.FromResult, Task.WhenAll, Task.WhenAny, Task.CompletedTask Games targeting <empty> map don't show map selection Implement "This List Only" map selection Add a cookie on project list's show disabled option
1 Year Ago
Fix Apply Changes not working on Settings menu where it was using old onclick syntax
1 Year Ago
Fix Input.Pressed not working outside of Simulate when FPS was lower than tick rate
1 Year Ago
Only call tools.refresh when we have new tool assemblies and not game assemblies
1 Year Ago
Support all the different orders CSS border property can be in, add unit tests too - resolves Facepunch/sbox-issues#89
1 Year Ago
Party deck: fix avatar sizing, give margin between add button and party friends - Fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#2453
1 Year Ago
Whitelist System.Private.CoreLib/System.Diagnostics.ConditionalAttribute Whitelist System.Private.CoreLib/System.Text.* Whitelist System.ObjectModel/System.Collections.Specialized.* Whitelist System.Private.CoreLib/System.IO.StreamReader.get_* and Close()
1 Year Ago
Project creator folder selector works first time when path already exists - Fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#2454 Server list spelling
1 Year Ago
Clip project path text so it doesn't overlap the settings icon Saftey checks around memcpy in CCompositeParentSpaceState::CopyBoneTransformWeights to prevent crash, additional asserts to catch when this stuff is bad
1 Year Ago
CQAttributeEditor_SoundPicker: use path instead of name for sound events Create a resource reference on sounds in maps so custom sounds will get properly uploaded and loaded with the map This will require you to reselect sounds in your maps to update to their full paths, asset name only is obsolete
1 Year Ago
Load entity GameData after ToolsDll.OnAddonsCompiled instead of tools.refresh - I think this was accidentally still working somehow, but now it'll hotload and all that shit again Fix errors in local projects preventing base loading for tools ( Hammer entities, ModelDoc data, base resources ), remove hack from Sandbox.Engine and make Sandbox.Tools responsible for compiling base before local projects are added to the compile group Add MapNode.Parent property
1 Year Ago
Fallback to default code editor if selected code editor is no longer installed
1 Year Ago
Add IEnumerable<MapNode> MapNode.Children Add MapPath and MapPathNode to C# API MapGroup and MapInstance init their handles correctly
1 Year Ago
Hammer: Fix entities from newly uploaded games not working
1 Year Ago
CQBuildMapDialog::GetMapLaunchCommand wraps map name in quotes
1 Year Ago
Make sure Global.Server gets set OnServerInfo so Global.GameTitle and shit is avaliable, fixes rich presence not working too
1 Year Ago
Hammer: Fix base entities appearing as if they only belonged to certain local games Only create this package.base Compiler in tools mode once again (for Hammer / GameData), since local compilations are now consolidated with base code
1 Year Ago
Add MapNode.Copy() creates a copy of the node and adds it to the current mapdoc Make Hammer entities correctly categorize local projects again
1 Year Ago
Add map nodes MapGroup and MapInstance, example usage of MapInstance: ``` new MapInstance() { Position = Vector3.Up * 128.0f, Target = Selection.All.First(), }; ```
1 Year Ago
Don't overflow the Embed network table with too many small files - maybe this should be limited to html, css only?
1 Year Ago
Make base compiler part of ServerContext.CompileGroup in non tools mode too so local games successfully compile
1 Year Ago
Fix uploading addons that target games using legacy uploaded assembly path
1 Year Ago
Make our access tests work with new uploaded assembly path
1 Year Ago
Project references normalize and encode properly for XML in SolutionGenerator so Visual Studio doesn't cry when seeing an &
1 Year Ago
Skip replicating global usings in codegen, they were causing compilation errors because they need to precede non-globals.. but they're globals so we can just not replicate them instead.
1 Year Ago
Add `hammer.mapview.contextmenu ( Menu, MapView )` event for tool addons to add options to the map view's context menu Add Qt Menu.Icon Create point entities from map view context menu, most useful is going to be recent entities
1 Year Ago
Remove my old remote package code, this is all handled by vmap metadata now Simple static Selection API for Hammer for getting / setting selected map nodes Stop duplicate "Navigate to Folder" in asset context menu when multiple asset browsers exist What the fuck did I make this native pointer nullable for Add Hammer specific asset context menu for selecting objects using assets and that sort of stuff
1 Year Ago
Asset browser can find cloud sounds, SoundDropTarget supports async setting from package
1 Year Ago
Asset publishing widget doesn't stomp potential asset editor Can publish sound and soundscape assets Handle null thumbnails for uploaded assets, I think garry's already made the backend auto generate them if nothing is provided
1 Year Ago
Add SoundscapeDropTarget so you can drag and drop soundscapes into your maps
1 Year Ago
Replace rect definition picker with our own whilst I'm here Add Asset.GetAdditionalRelatedFiles() Upload hotspot .rect for a material asset, only for single assets and not games