
983 Commits over 1,066 Days - 0.04cph!

2 Years Ago
Use latest version of bc7e.ispc with determinism fixes and improvements to solid color block encoding (richgel999/bc7enc_rdo)
2 Years Ago
Fix usercmd delta compression for controller analogs where it would never send zero - fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#2279
2 Years Ago
More resilient gpu driver version fetching, find a matching adapter description from EnumDisplayDevices that matches the DirectX adapter description
2 Years Ago
[ClientRpc] codegen supports reserved keyword names w/ @ prefix - fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#2227 Collect & replicate usings for codegen so we can keep stuff like initializer syntax simple whilst making it work as you would expect with namespaces - fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#2018 Remove ErrorList singleton - not needed and some shit code was stomping it and making nothing work Add all local addons to the error list combobox (move those with errors to the top), makes it easier to filter for just the addon you give a shit about - resolves Facepunch/sbox-issues#2188 Only show errors from active addons, update combo / list on localaddons.changed - resolves Facepunch/sbox-issues#2146 Codegen add distinct namespaces only, stop some warnings
2 Years Ago
Add controller look yaw/pitch speed settings, this is deg/s ( fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#1496 ) Multiply InputBuilder.AnalogLook by Time.Delta so it's not framerate dependent ( fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#2045 ) Make convars work on non-public props
2 Years Ago
Use InputButton.Chat for chatbox, enter defaults to +iv_chat, obsolete Sandbox.Hooks.Chat.OnOpenChat
2 Years Ago
Reset analog inputs to default when UsingController is 0 in the usercmd - fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#2238
2 Years Ago
AddonCreator: normalize paths, don't allow creation in a folder full of other folders either you're very likely fucking up then
2 Years Ago
Open in code editor button for tools addons - resolves Facepunch/sbox-issues#2226
2 Years Ago
Make the "from" addon downloader auto-select the path a bit better - fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#2233
2 Years Ago
Delete dota healthbar SFM code that plagued the IToolService and ISource2Engine Dock Error List in default layout
2 Years Ago
Only enable vr_depth_submit on Oculus as their positional timewarp is the only thing that makes use of it. WMR OpenVR driver would instantly crash on depth submits, so this resolves that too.
2 Years Ago
Revert "Make Entity.IsAuthority a virtual property" This reverts commit 1533014f19347562cbac07a148ee3926da2f64ad.
2 Years Ago
Make Entity.IsAuthority a virtual property
2 Years Ago
BaseItemWidget: Ctrl clicking selected items removes them from the selection
2 Years Ago
Fix AssetBrowser not loading saved settings correctly - Fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#2063
2 Years Ago
Fix Hammer texture replace window's asset picker shrinking and becoming unusable Asset Browser: can make new folder from AssetList
2 Years Ago
Enable MultiSelect on AssetList Don't try to open a context menu if we have no options, otherwise Qt will moan Implement shift click multiselect in BaseItemWidget
2 Years Ago
Entity.networkTags should use StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase when updated from network
2 Years Ago
Fix FileSystem.RebuildContentPath() skipping over addons because it was using File.Exists instead of Directory.Exists. Fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#2085 and probably quite a bit of other stuff
2 Years Ago
steamaudio_enabled -> steamaudio_enable, drop FC_ARCHIVE since I suspect loads of people had it saved to 1 :(
2 Years Ago
Temporarily disable Steam Audio by default to resolve crashes as the heap corruption has persisted even without IPL_SCENETYPE_EMBREE
2 Years Ago
Tag steamaudio_enabled so we can see it in Sentry, so we can be 100% sure
2 Years Ago
Add steamaudio_enabled cvar
2 Years Ago
forgot to force add the .dll / .lib for aftermath
2 Years Ago
Catch nvidia gpu crashes with nsight aftermath and `-nvgpucrashdebugging` cli flag, struggling to get any significant context out of this on D3D11 so may just revert this at some point
2 Years Ago
m_pDriverVersion reports as "unknown" instead of a null string
2 Years Ago
don't use V_vsnprintf in SentryOutput, external code can specify the funky %S format specifiers Texture2DBuilder.Finish(): correctly check the memory required for texures w/ mips
2 Years Ago
Remove fallback DX9 code for getting driver version, it's straightforward to grab from the registry by the DX adapter LUID. This returns the same windows driver version numbers DX9 was reporting, but I've added some vendor specific renames e.g for nvidia "" becomes "516.59" making it easier to filter by driver for us rendersystemdx11: stop linking d3d9 rendersystemdx11: stop linking nvapi LoadD3dCompiler calls Plat_LoadModule without full path ( this is exactly the same way ADJ and we use the same d3dcompiler_47.dll - so hopefully that fixes weird WINE shit ) Replace Direct3D 9 PIX with D3D11 ID3DUserDefinedAnnotation - we're getting a much better list of events in RenderDoc now too New: Old: - Enable CPixEventScope to record events, these are used to tell us our View / Layer - Don't limit these events behind Plat_IsRunningOnCustomerMachine() - there is no overhead and it can be incredibly helpful for us having them on Steam builds Implemented following guidance of: rendersystemdx11: don't link d3dx11 legacy stuff Fix ErrorReports::UpdateGpu usage from rebase conflcit Delete dead D3DX dlls
2 Years Ago
Hammer: fix crash when closing editor sessions with active working sets
2 Years Ago
Make compile errors from publishing report to error list, catch this and report it properly on the publish window. Also make tool addons report to error list properly.
2 Years Ago
Include prerelease versions of Visual Studio when looking with vswhere Fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#2058 Accidentally removed 1 line too many, fixes non-tools not opening
2 Years Ago
Remove some obvious dead code and unused stuff from, update the DeveloperHelpURL to the wiki Get rid of -toolsonly, didn't launch anything and our tools are so integrated with the editor it doesn't make sense Remove GameUI interface Cleanup native tools menu bars to match our C# editor, I'd do this entirely in C# but we don't have interop on every tool
2 Years Ago
Delete complicated / hacky pane modes from Hammer map views ( Game, Asset Browser, Object Properties, Entity IO ) Create a dock widget below the Hammer viewport for the asset browser Create the new C# asset browser in Hammer, quite a few things work already with no effort :o Reimplement the Hammer pane embedded asset browser as a dock widget, tabify it at the bottom alongside our new C# one, always show the legacy first (for now). And in general tidy up / simplify the implementation of this Add these asset browser dock widgets to the View->Toolbars menu Need to setObjectName on these so they saveState properly Remove QHeaderView from asset browser grid layout, not useful takes up a shit load of space Legacy asset browser icon sizes match our new asset browser icon sizes, makes the medium icons actually usable in embedded browsers Don't bother showing the new asset browser at all in Hammer, have it opt in from View -> Toolbars so we can get some proper feedback on it Asset browser dock widgets collapse properly on ToggleAssetBrowserDockWidget command Add ToggleAssetBrowserDockWidget command to Hammer that does exactly that, default key bind Alt + A Cleanup HammerAssetBrowser class location, move OnAssetHighlight / OnAssetSelected that inspect / open in editor to MainAssetBrowser Setup default locations for Hammer dock widgets a bit better, open selection sets by default but tab them next to the Outliner since you're going to be using one or the other and not both. Give asset browser dock widget a sane default size Default Hammer map view port to single 3d pane since thats what 90% of people use all the time
2 Years Ago
AssetPicker explicitly plays sound files and sound events, these are normally handled w/ the inspector previews of them.
2 Years Ago
Add IAssetSystem::OpenPicker( IAssetType* type, IAssetPickerListener* pListener ) which opens our AssetPicker from tools addon CQAttributeEditor_SoundPicker ( used in Hammer and probs other shit ) uses the managed AssetPicker, this is way easier to use, doesn't show duplicate entries and shows all sound events not just base ones. Old: New:
2 Years Ago
Addon creator will derive a path from the provided ident
2 Years Ago
Fix tool.minimal template Tool addons reference base tools addon
2 Years Ago
Add Rider as a code editor (thanks @peter-r-g), I didn't test it but it's just the same as the VSCode one with different regkeys so it should be fine, & clean up some duplicate code around code editors too For default code editor pick VS > VS Code > anything that is installed
2 Years Ago
Fix touch events collision filter exclusion where it needed both entites to have touch events off Fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#2046
2 Years Ago
Add vswhere nob head
2 Years Ago
CodeEditor out of Sandbox.Engine to tools addon, editors are implemented with ICodeEditor Reimplement Visual Studio with ICodeEditor and use vswhere to get Visual Studio install with .NET installed more reliably VSCode editor support - when active, solutions make a .code-workspace with the right omnisharp bullshit Default code editor is Visual Studio, if that's not installed VSCode Editor preferences window Add Code Editor to Editor Preferences Restore File / Open Solution Add default addon location to editor preferences, default to `%UserProfile%/Documents/S&box Projects` ErrorList.ReportCompilerDiagnostics should be static, this way we catch errors even if our widget isn't open
2 Years Ago
Remove warning I left thinking it was dead code
2 Years Ago
Remove Tools.ListView
2 Years Ago
Move the error list from Sandbox.Tools to tools addon ErrorList keeps a static list of diagnostics for when the widget is hidden/shown as well as hotloading Use lovely new managed ItemListWidget instead of ListView for ErrorListView
2 Years Ago
Rework Entity.OnPhysicsCollision API a bit, mainly adding all data for the other entity in a collision as well as the Surface and PostAngularVelocity of both Restore physicsgamesystem interop used for collision event
2 Years Ago
Remove CBaseEntity::VPhysicsShadowCollision (S1 legacy code) Delete PhysicsGameSystemS1 and other unused crap Get rid of legacy gamevcollisionevent_t, cleans up calls to CBaseEntity::VPhysicsCollision Move C# collision interop from CBaseEntity::VPhysicsCollision to CPhysicsGameSystem::DispatchCallbacks, call C# once per collision instead of once per entity in that collision. Give ourselves additional data to expose onto the game API.
2 Years Ago
Quick shit script to auto update our .NET runtime Update to .NET 6.0.7 Uncomplicate loads of shit in the error list, fixes base addon errors, as well as reports menu and tools errors too. If an addon has no errors but still has warnings we'll show those too but won't raise the error list dock. I've explicitly not let the Compiler report it's own errors to ToolsDll since it's all done in threads, plus it'll be quicker for Qt to update batches.
2 Years Ago
Use collapsible group boxes to make face select tool property UI way less intimidating (expanded states get saved)
2 Years Ago
Asset.OpenInEditor can specify an optional parameter to open assets in specific engine tools Add "Create model" to fbx assets in Asset Browser that opens ModelDoc same as legacy browser