
983 Commits over 1,066 Days - 0.04cph!

2 Years Ago
Improve Hammer workflow for creating game entities Use a factory interface for Hammer tools as natively there's a tool class for each open editor session
2 Years Ago
Hammer: EditorDefaultValue add support for Color, Vector3/2, Angles, Rotation - allows you to specify default values as you would expect instead of as a string in an attribute ```diff - [Internal.DefaultValue( "0 0 0" )] - public Angles MoveDir { get; set; } + public Angles MoveDir { get; set; } = Angles.Zero; ``` Revert "Fixed default value for Entity Color in Hammer" This reverts commit 78256d7b7abf88f067cd05ce857a804cbb5e493c.
2 Years Ago
Fix insane memory usage (6.8GB -> 700MB in menu) - thread_local in CNetworkStringTable was creating 20MB of buffers per thread..
2 Years Ago
Hammer: Set entity origin when creating a solid entity in Entity Tool
2 Years Ago
Hammer: Override materials on the preview mesh for Block Tool when creating a solid entity with [Hammer.AutoApplyMaterial]
2 Years Ago
Fix game hang when the SDF shapes cbuffer can't be locked and it's handle invalid, prefer tier0 V_memcpy
2 Years Ago
Fix Hammer door helpers - merge the duplicate doorhelper and door_helper classes so you don't get fooled into using the wrong one
2 Years Ago
Copy & restore clientside Input state during Simulate, should fix double inputs when you press exactly on a server tick
2 Years Ago
If Input.Down/Pressed/Released are used serverside outside of a simulated context throw a warning that you're using it in the wrong place Fix Input.Down / Input.Pressed being delayed or not working at all when used clientside outside of Simulate
2 Years Ago
Fix [Hammer.DoorHelper] using the wrong editor helper
2 Years Ago
Compiler reference System.Net.Sockets.dll - not whitelisted, useful for tool addons though
2 Years Ago
Fix crash when launching game with no audio devices
2 Years Ago
Read GameClass Helpers from KV3 ( fixes them not being in resourcecompiler and weird shit like lighting breaking because of it )
2 Years Ago
Call managed PostLoadMap just before the Hammer world is loaded, load our remote packages (if any) there
2 Years Ago
Add a couple of links in the Help menu to the wiki and issue tracker
2 Years Ago
Don't presettle prop physics that have Static set ( same behaviour HLX would do with Motion Disabled spawnflag )
2 Years Ago
Make sure base addon is always compiled in tools mode even with no local addons - fixes base entities not showing in Hammer
2 Years Ago
Fix Hammer gradient fog preview, managed gamedata classes are checked for globals now
2 Years Ago
Fix crash when loading a map with entities from a remote package
2 Years Ago
Fix help descriptions not showing on entity properties, also give each map class a help context related to their dll Fix base properties (targetname, tags, etc.) not using proper prop type
2 Years Ago
BaseTrigger.ActivationTags properly sets it's default value to "player", give base Player a "player" tag.
2 Years Ago
Invalidate Hammer map entities data when a remote package is loaded
2 Years Ago
GameData (.fgd) is now managed, game entities are now loaded at runtime from their type information instead of from .fgd files. This also runs both ways and let's us access all GameData from C#. * Packages you use in your map get saved ( e.g facepunch.dm98, valve.cstrike ) and fetched on map load * Map compiler doesn't try to load fgds anymore, replace it with a KV3 provided by Hammer -> ResourceCompiler. * Map classes can be loaded directly from a LocalAddon or a RemoteP * Remove .fgds of anything that is a managed entity, also remove legacy syntax so we can remove shit loads of code. * Obsolete [Spawnflags] they're confusing for everyone, use a properly named enum with [Flags] on instead. ( Enums with [Flags] also work now, no more FGDType("bitflags") required. If fgd files fail to load, don't fuck managed game data for it.
2 Years Ago
GameData (.fgd) is now managed, game entities are now loaded at runtime from their type information instead of from .fgd files. This also runs both ways and let's us access all GameData from C#. * Managed classes for GameData, can be loaded directly from LocalAddon or RemotePackage. * Map compiler doesn't load .fgds, make Hammer serialize g_pGameData to KV3 and load it in the map compiler * Clean up native GameData code (fgdlib) making it a shit load less confusing to work with, name globals, classes, vars.. properly, delete legacy code, document stuff etc. * Copy native GameData (loaded from core .fgd) back to C# GameData for usage in tools addon * [Hammer] attributes rewritten to not use StringBuilder, pass dictionary / list references and fill those up, obsolete the old tihngs * Remove FGDWriter for game entities, no longer need to serialize it every game start * Remove .fgds of anything that has a managed type, remove legacy syntax on remaining .fgd files (use KV3 so we can remove a lot of code) Give all entities nice [Display, Category, Icon] attributes Glue Hammer Entity tool UI to C#, can use entities for games straight from here, searchable, show what game it's from etc. needs a bit more work to not look shit though Enum properties create and populate their backing native GDIVItemSet New: Enums marked with [Flags] now get treated as flags properly in Hammer now Restore Hammer.CustomHeaderAttribute but obsolete it so it doesn't break older addons C# GameData.LoadConfig should be synchronous so Hammer blocks until everything is loaded - actual loading from each dll is still done in parallel though Obsolete [Spawnflags] it's confusing for mappers and hacky to implement - you should use a property of an enum with [Flags] on it Removed Spawnflags from BaseTrigger, the only flags that did anything were Clients|Everything - everything should just work with tags instead. FuncPhysbox spawnflags turned into a flags enum property instead (old maps will still work just fine) Get rid of FGDType( "flags" ) usages, we just derive this automatically now from [System.Flags] Sandbox.Tools gets addons compiled from Sandbox.Engine - Hammer uses these instead of recompiling them itself plus they're avaliable for other tools to reflect on too In Tools mode add all LocalAddon games to ServerAddons to compile as game opens save package idents in vmap ( e.g facepunch.dm98, valve.cstrike ) from used map entities, download these pkgs on map load if missing locally bitflags Update game selector dialog to use Package.Query API Delete game entities .fgd so you're not accidentally keeping it around for no reason Fix hotload crashes when Hammer isn't open Fix a couple more crashes with hotloading in tools Iterate map nodes on save properly so it catches entities in subworlds (prefabs, tilesets) Remove Spawnflags shit from FgdWriter Reload .FGD Files -> Reload Game Data (probably not needed since we hotload, delete after we port all native ents) Don't obsolete these, they're used by modeldoc fgd still Entity tool: default to prefer class names for now, probably sex up this tool a fair lot more Hotload game entities in Hammer fuck sake actually load the game variable type from KV3 Implement GDIVItemSet::ReadFromKV3 so the map compiler knows default values Don't block engine bootstrap with compile task
2 Years Ago
default_fov not a cheat (lets you have it set on servers) and also saves, games can force a fov still if they care
2 Years Ago
Hotload CachedUpgrader: it's okay if this is already in the replace cache it's gonna be the same instance Update base fgd
2 Years Ago
Can manually dispatch CI workflow to force a full rebuild for when incremental builds get fucked
2 Years Ago
Delete loads of C++ entities that were removed from fgd ages ago or just legacy as fuck, clean up loads of shit because of it too. Important we do delete these after removing them from fgds because the engine will still create them if a map has specified them previously
2 Years Ago
BasePhysics entities (prop_physics) should derive from the FGD baseclass BasePhysicsSimulated - that way the map compiler will simulate and settle them.
2 Years Ago
Fix erode tool not working seemingly randomly due to some uninitialized memory
2 Years Ago
NetRead Asset is supported
2 Years Ago
Don't generate custom asset types where extension is over 8 chars, add appropriate errors so you know wtf is going on Internally these extensions turn into a 64-bit int (8 bytes) so making them longer isn't practical.
2 Years Ago
PostProcess.Get<T> correctly returns null instead of erroring if it's not in the active effects list
2 Years Ago
BasePlayerController / MoveHelper traces hit Window & NPC layers as expected
3 Years Ago
Fix wrong blend mode happening in shader somehow
3 Years Ago
Remove SceneObject.SetMaterialGroup, it was already on SceneModel
3 Years Ago
Whitelist System.WeakReference Whitelist System.ValueType Whitelist System.IConvertible Whitelist System.TypeCode Whitelist System.TimeZoneInfo
3 Years Ago
Add `mix-blend-mode: multiply`, color picker works again
3 Years Ago
Fix missing key binds on asset inspector tool
3 Years Ago
Remove redundent footer-space on game edit screen
3 Years Ago
If Steam Input gives us no motion state use Quaternion.Identity instead of an invalid quat Make Input.MotionData.Rotation match our S2 world space
3 Years Ago
Fix NRE on Game Setup screen Restore game setup description editing functionality Can set control mode / single/multiplayer tags on game setup page Add controller/vr information the same way as "Mouse & Keyboard Supported" is Fix exception from Package.UpdateValue
3 Years Ago
Fix UI shader using wrong constants for background image repeats
3 Years Ago
PrimitiveBuilder.Is2D now works as intended and makes a 2D bounding box on the block tool Revert "Quad primitive creates from the bottom of the bbox" This reverts commit 6e1704dfd5a9a62d3bcc4de46a18de1ece416047.
3 Years Ago
PathPlatformEntity moves with velocity matching PlatformEntity behaviour, so the player controller can match it's velocity.
3 Years Ago
net_fakelag remove FCVAR_ARCHIVE, and add FCVAR_CHEAT to it and sdr command
3 Years Ago
Set controller "Menu" action set if ingame but main menu is open
3 Years Ago
Asset.Load log the actual exception when deserializing errors
3 Years Ago
Fix typo in water bounds code using y instead of x
3 Years Ago
Completely remove HLTV/SourceTV, decouple spawngroupmessagemanager so the demo recorder can use it Remove instant replays